Anyone have the inside scoop as to when the amenities will be available? More specifically, the gym.

First it was end of January, then 1st week of February now I'm hearing end of February.
Went back to Alleens at College Park today. (They have a 50% off, free installation ad running).

Dealt with Irena. She was fantastic.

The cost to cover a foglia unit with 5% or 3% solar shades will be $3900 to $4100 plus tax. This is an amazing price considering my earlier research revealed it would cost about $8500

Irena said they have this offer extended to all Casa owners (although I don't recall seeing anything about this).

Anyways, if you want a deal on solar shades check out Alleens.


And as for the additional move-in delay rumour... I haven't heard a thing so it must have just been a rumour.

I have a family friend in the business, my cost was $3000 for a Milano, Foglia is only about 5' more so he would be cheaper, if anyone would like contact information shoot me an e-mail at

I also know one of the top mortgage brokers in the city as far as getting the best rates so feel free to ask for his contact info as well.

The gym is done, I can post pics. Although not sure when it will be open as they will probably have to first complete the entire 5th floor.
When you say, "the gym is done" do you mean there is actual exercise equipment? I'm moving in very soon and am contemplating buying a 1 or 2 month membership in the 'hood to have some place to work out while they finish up the 5th floor.
When you say, "the gym is done" do you mean there is actual exercise equipment? I'm moving in very soon and am contemplating buying a 1 or 2 month membership in the 'hood to have some place to work out while they finish up the 5th floor.

Correct, all of the equipment is in place.

2 treadmills
2 elipticals
1 stationary bike
1 recumbrant bike
1 weight rack and bench
2 different upper body weight machines

They have not yet installed TVs but there are cable and power outlets installed all along the ceiling. Looks like there will be about 6-8 TVs put in.

There is also a large yoga room. Personally if I had to make 1 complaint it would be to question why they made such a compact gym in such a large condo yet decided to use almost as much square footage towards a yoga room. I don't know much about yoga so perhaps I'm missing something here but what is the purpose of the room that I imagine might seldom be used to it's full capacity? It can probably accomodate 12-15 people doing yoga at once which is almost double the capacity of the gym. I suppose that at some point in the future if this turns out to be the case they could always convert the yoga room into a cardio room.
Thanks for that. I have to agree about the tiny gym. It's clear Cresford put zero thought into it. There should be at least double the number of treadmills and ellipticals for a building this size.
Thanks for that. I have to agree about the tiny gym. It's clear Cresford put zero thought into it. There should be at least double the number of treadmills and ellipticals for a building this size.

I also feel like it could have made sense to put the gym and washroom facilities on the same side as the swimming pool and hot tub just for better access. I assume they went with the residents lounge on the pool side because it's the "prettier" side of the amenities floor with partial view of the downtown buildings.

I know that in my grandmother's building there is a small gym that never gets used but it's mostly older people in her building. A high rise in this neighbourhood with lots of smaller (non family sized) units is a recipe for younger active people. It's going to be a pain in prime time hours to try to get on a's likely that you wont be able to ever get into a set routine using the facilities here unless you work night shifts and your routine treadmill time is 4am.
Does anyone already in the building have experience with either Rogers or Bell for HD TV and high-speed internet set up yet? I'm trying to decide which provider is best. I've heard that the Bell Entertainment service is excellent, but I don't think CASA is prepped for that service. Any advice would be very much appreciated. My interim closing date is Wed Feb 24 and I'd like to up a running ASAP.
Does anyone already in the building have experience with either Rogers or Bell for HD TV and high-speed internet set up yet? I'm trying to decide which provider is best. I've heard that the Bell Entertainment service is excellent, but I don't think CASA is prepped for that service. Any advice would be very much appreciated. My interim closing date is Wed Feb 24 and I'd like to up a running ASAP.

Trust me I'm no fan of Rogers but I've read a lot about the quality of Bell ExpressVu vs. Rogers and the general consenses is that Rogers comes out ahead for HD quality signals. To read about Bell go to the Canadian Home Theatre Forum, or click here. I read a bit about it and as I understand it, the signals are more compressed than Rogers but read for yourself and you can make your own decision.
There are some stellar photos of what an empty foglia unit looks like here. Enjoy!

Thanks, Casaguy. Those are great photos. Had my Foglia PDI today and was quite pleased with everything. Especially Melissa from the customer care office. She was great. Unfortunately no appliances but I think they're arriving today. I get my keys on Wednesday. Still trying to decide between Rogers and Bell.
Rogers HD without a doubt is vastly superior. I cringe when I'm at friends or family who got roped into Bell expressvu. It just doesn't compare. Suck up your hatred for Rogers and just do it... and personally speaking I've never had anything close to a bad customer service experience with Rogers.
Correct, all of the equipment is in place.

2 treadmills
2 elipticals
1 stationary bike
1 recumbrant bike
1 weight rack and bench
2 different upper body weight machines

They have not yet installed TVs but there are cable and power outlets installed all along the ceiling. Looks like there will be about 6-8 TVs put in.

There is also a large yoga room. Personally if I had to make 1 complaint it would be to question why they made such a compact gym in such a large condo yet decided to use almost as much square footage towards a yoga room. I don't know much about yoga so perhaps I'm missing something here but what is the purpose of the room that I imagine might seldom be used to it's full capacity? It can probably accomodate 12-15 people doing yoga at once which is almost double the capacity of the gym. I suppose that at some point in the future if this turns out to be the case they could always convert the yoga room into a cardio room.

Saw this in person today. It's definitely a small space crammed with equipment... however, the equipment appears to be of high quality... just wish there was twice as much as I bet there'll be a lot of gym-goers in this building.
Saw this in person today. It's definitely a small space crammed with equipment... however, the equipment appears to be of high quality... just wish there was twice as much as I bet there'll be a lot of gym-goers in this building.

Especially in April, May and June - preceding Pride :)

Perhaps once the building is turned over and a BoD is in place the gym issue can be addressed by approaching the Board to switch rooms and over the next few years budget for more gym equipment if it does indeed prove to be as popular as you think it will be.
