From what I've heard, most of the upper floors aren't ready yet, so don't be surprised if there's lots of stuff still to do. As I mentioned, my unit will still be having work done in July until early August, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's still another month of work to go in yours! Good luck!
i had AC problems with my unit too. even if i had set the thermostat to cool it was giving off hot air. After a 2 weeks of waiting we got it fixed.

Just a tip for all who can't calculate fahrenheit to celsius easily on their thermostat...

1. Press the up button + fan button together. From there you should see 2 sets of numbers. 1 and 0. The first number (1) is the function and the second set (0) is the setting.

2. Using the up buttons goto function 14 and press 'next' to change the settings from 0 to 1

3. press 'done' and its complete. =)

One new update from this morning... They're installing carpets in the hallway! finally!!! i hated walking into my unit with dust. =p
I was at the building today and I got some bad news. I was speaking to the security guard, and he said he was told the buildings would be finished by the end of september. He also said that he personally believed that the buildings wouldn't be finished until the end of the year. Isn't that just great? -_-
This is my first post. I am buying a unit on the 30th floor in the south tower. My closing date is July 14th. I was there today and I was talking to the security guard from the south tower and he told me that the amenities are supposed to be finished by the end of this month. I was able to go on a quick tour of the area and although the rooms are almost done, ceilings are almost in, it still looks like there is a lot of work to be done. They had just laid the floor in the hallway leading outside. I doubt they will be done in time. But give it another month maybe and they might be finished. But from what I saw, looks good.
Last time I was there, they were far from being done. In your opinion, when do you think they'll be finished?
Last time I was there, they were far from being done. In your opinion, when do you think they'll be finished?

I guess we need a distinction between "ready for use" and "completely finished". I think some things like say the exercise room, could be ready for use within a month, but I doubt the building, (including the hallways, carpet, paint etc) will be done before September. If they are truly working from bottom to top, I was told that the LPH is still "open for construction" until first week of August, so maybe that will give you a better timeframe.
Recently got my first tour of Centro courtesy of a friend living in the building ... while the building is still very much under construction, I was very impressed by what I saw:

  • although the lobby is not huge, it was very well executed and the design theme (circles) tied everything together nicely
  • although the 5th floor amenities are not complete, the swimmng pool was the largest pool I've ever seen in new condos (it is a full size pool with a decent sized hot tub ... unlike stupid Solaris with a hot tub for 4 persons in a 900+ unit condo)
  • the yet to be finished Party Room, Fireplace Lounge, and Gyms were very large and spacious with vaulted high ceiling and clearstory windows offering views to the west and south (love those windows)
  • The rooftop garden (on 4th floor?) provides plenty of landscape oppourunities with its organic shaped planters and very neat looking light posts
  • The one down side is elevators were quite small (sub-par), similar to a typical Cityplace elevator

Since I forgot my camera, can any Centro residents take a few shots of the lobby, elevator, and rooftop garden to share on UT?

Judging from my early site review, I'm quite impressed by Centro's interiors ... congrads to Centro owners ~ :cool:
Hi Solaris

My friend lives in Solaris building, however he doesn't have to pay any occupancy fee?
Do you have to pay for occupancy fee?

Centro isnt even completed as of yet
Based on the comments..... all the tenants will be paying occupancy fees till the end of the year

Recently got my first tour of Centro courtesy of a friend living in the building ... while the building is still very much under construction, I was very impressed by what I saw:

  • although the lobby is not huge, it was very well executed and the design theme (circles) tied everything together nicely
  • although the 5th floor amenities are not complete, the swimmng pool was the largest pool I've ever seen in new condos (it is a full size pool with a decent sized hot tub ... unlike stupid Solaris with a hot tub for 4 persons in a 900+ unit condo)
  • the yet to be finished Party Room, Fireplace Lounge, and Gyms were very large and spacious with vaulted high ceiling and clearstory windows offering views to the west and south (love those windows)
  • The rooftop garden (on 4th floor?) provides plenty of landscape oppourunities with its organic shaped planters and very neat looking light posts
  • The one down side is elevators were quite small (sub-par), similar to a typical Cityplace elevator

Since I forgot my camera, can any Centro residents take a few shots of the lobby, elevator, and rooftop garden to share on UT?

Judging from my early site review, I'm quite impressed by Centro's interiors ... congrads to Centro owners ~ :cool:
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I would be suprised if anyone can be living in a un-registered condominium without paying occupancy fees ~
enercare bill......... a bit high???

has anyone recieved their enercare bill yet? i called their customer service centre today was was told my bill was $54 dollars... my occupancy date was May 11, and i haven't even moved in yet... i only go there time to time to do minor work in there, turned on the AC for a few hrs... used the washer once, and the dishwasher once to see if it works

can anyone share how much their bill is? i think 54 dollars for the month is a bit much for someone who has only been to the condo a handful of times... i can't imagine how much the bill would be if i actually turn on the stove and use the washer and dryer....

if anyone can share, you can msg me if you want to keep it confidential....

