Seems wasn't a good weekend for Centro owners.
On Saturday we recognized our fridge is not cooling any longer, 6 hours later the washing machine went on strike (no draining).
Moved inMay 12, starts good.....

This pass long weekend was indeed not a good weekend for Centro owners as I too had a bad experience Saturaday morning:

I was getting ready for work when I realized that it was suppose to rain so I went outside to grab my patio cushions when I found there was a cigarette bud on one of my loungers. To make matters worst, when I went to brush the ashes off I noticed that the cushion itself was indeed burnt - I mean there's a hole! I was so ticked off! I immediately took photos and went to file an official complaint with the Gate House and then asked one of the guards to come check it out. I was told that a report will be written and that the Property Manager will contact me (which he has yet to do). And after walking around, I was able to find 3 more cigarette buds (I dont smoke). I just dont understand why someone would do something so careless and inconsiderate. What if that cushion had caught on fire! I surely hope something will be done.
my A/C suddenly turned HOT as well... went to gatehouse and filled out a form to fix it.... they came in today to fix it when i wasn't home.....still not working as of right now... filled out another form..... see if it gets fixed tmr......

i had problem with my A/C before but they are really fast to come in and fix it the next day.
This pass long weekend was indeed not a good weekend for Centro owners as I too had a bad experience Saturaday morning:

I was getting ready for work when I realized that it was suppose to rain so I went outside to grab my patio cushions when I found there was a cigarette bud on one of my loungers. To make matters worst, when I went to brush the ashes off I noticed that the cushion itself was indeed burnt - I mean there's a hole! I was so ticked off! I immediately took photos and went to file an official complaint with the Gate House and then asked one of the guards to come check it out. I was told that a report will be written and that the Property Manager will contact me (which he has yet to do). And after walking around, I was able to find 3 more cigarette buds (I dont smoke). I just dont understand why someone would do something so careless and inconsiderate. What if that cushion had caught on fire! I surely hope something will be done.

Which floor are you on? Glad nothing too bad happened though.
This pass long weekend was indeed not a good weekend for Centro owners as I too had a bad experience Saturaday morning:

I was getting ready for work when I realized that it was suppose to rain so I went outside to grab my patio cushions when I found there was a cigarette bud on one of my loungers. To make matters worst, when I went to brush the ashes off I noticed that the cushion itself was indeed burnt - I mean there's a hole! I was so ticked off! I immediately took photos and went to file an official complaint with the Gate House and then asked one of the guards to come check it out. I was told that a report will be written and that the Property Manager will contact me (which he has yet to do). And after walking around, I was able to find 3 more cigarette buds (I dont smoke). I just dont understand why someone would do something so careless and inconsiderate. What if that cushion had caught on fire! I surely hope something will be done.

Sorry to hear about that Bunnie but unfortunately the building manager is the epitome of useless, not that he could do anything anyways - can't fix the root cause of that problem = human nature, all for one and one for themselves.

Especially smokers, they are a different kind of stupid. On the highway they'll dump their full ash tray out the window on to the windshields of the cars behind them, they flick cigarettes anywhere that is convenient for them, including off the edge of a balcony of their condo, with the damn full knowledge that the magic cigarette fairy isn't going to swoop in a gobble it up, that it is instead going to land on someone or something. But they don’t care, why, because it’s someone else’s problem then.

They are going to kill their loved ones, friends and complete strangers with their second hand smoke, they will even still in this day and age with all the knowledge and information available, ignorantly claim that they didn't know smoking kills and kills those around them just as equally as themselves.

Most people are selfish, inconsiderate, ignorant individuals, and smokes are the leaders of that crowd of disgrace. How pathetic of an person do you have to be to live your life completely controlled by a two inch piece of toxic chemicals? Oh my god, I haven’t had a smoke in the last 30 minutes, I am going crazy….I need my smokes or I just can’t function, LMAO, what a bunch of losers.

And last but not least (after the rant above), is my reason for understanding your pain….

My balcony, since we were somehow not given a storage locker even though we purchased this piece of $#!$ back in 2008 and indicated an interest in a locker in 2008 and every month since then and then replied to their letter by email 3 days after it was sent - is currently being used to store skis, hockey gear, boxes of personal items AND like your cushion, have been damaged and had one box, as to your point, actually LIGHT ON FIRE! All because of one of these ignorant smoking pieces of $#@$ upper floor neighbors.

When I came home the box was in ashes. I called the security desk and I told them what had happened, they asked if the fire was out and I said yes, they told me not to do anything or call the fire department and they will send someone up. 30 min later, just some random guard, not even the building manager could pull himself away from the picking his $#!$, came up to check it out. They were not planning on doing anything. He just took a picture and left.

So I did their job for them, I called the fire department, let them know the situation, they sent a truck to the building, a fire inspector came and took a look, took pictures and wrote up a report. He left a copy with the security desk and the next day I get a visit from Mr. useless property manager finally off his $#!$ to come and see me and he assured me nothing like this would happen again and they are very sorry.

And I responded with what I mentioned up top, what could they do to change the natural disgusting human behavior of all for one and one for themselves?
Ontnut, I am on the 3rd floor with the terraces so it's even more difficult to determine where the buds came from since it could have been directly above or to the side.

FirstTimeCondoBuyer: I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE! Which tower are you in? I thought this was the first incident and that the Property Manager would at least put up some signs indicating that NO items should be thrown over the balconies. This is extremely frustrating. Have you found any more buds on your balcony since? I have been collecting all the buds I can find (sounds silly but it makes me feel better to have some sort of evidence). If this property manager guy does not want to take any action is there someone else we can escalate this problem to? I know what you mean by we cant change people and their ways (although not every smoker is a jack#$@) but maybe if there were at least some notices up people would be more cautious? What puzzles my mind is if you're a smoker should you HAVE AN ASHTRAY? - use it for the sake of everyone's safety! Thanks for sharing with me.
I have a solution to the the AC problem! Today when the guy came to fix it (the second time) he told me that cool was heat, and heat was cool. If you set it to heat, it will blow cold air! It's so weird.
I have a solution to the the AC problem! Today when the guy came to fix it (the second time) he told me that cool was heat, and heat was cool. If you set it to heat, it will blow cold air! It's so weird.

sounds like you have a wiring problem.... mine on the other hand is officially broken... "compressor not working" they will send an A/C technican to fix it..... SUCKS big time!!
sorry with all respect, you're sick, or very angry, or both

smokers, with ashtrays and respect to others.

Sorry to hear about that Bunnie but unfortunately the building manager is the epitome of useless, not that he could do anything anyways - can't fix the root cause of that problem = human nature, all for one and one for themselves.

Especially smokers, they are a different kind of stupid. On the highway they'll dump their full ash tray out the window on to the windshields of the cars behind them, they flick cigarettes anywhere that is convenient for them, including off the edge of a balcony of their condo, with the damn full knowledge that the magic cigarette fairy isn't going to swoop in a gobble it up, that it is instead going to land on someone or something. But they don’t care, why, because it’s someone else’s problem then.

They are going to kill their loved ones, friends and complete strangers with their second hand smoke, they will even still in this day and age with all the knowledge and information available, ignorantly claim that they didn't know smoking kills and kills those around them just as equally as themselves.

Most people are selfish, inconsiderate, ignorant individuals, and smokes are the leaders of that crowd of disgrace. How pathetic of an person do you have to be to live your life completely controlled by a two inch piece of toxic chemicals? Oh my god, I haven’t had a smoke in the last 30 minutes, I am going crazy….I need my smokes or I just can’t function, LMAO, what a bunch of losers.

And last but not least (after the rant above), is my reason for understanding your pain….

My balcony, since we were somehow not given a storage locker even though we purchased this piece of $#!$ back in 2008 and indicated an interest in a locker in 2008 and every month since then and then replied to their letter by email 3 days after it was sent - is currently being used to store skis, hockey gear, boxes of personal items AND like your cushion, have been damaged and had one box, as to your point, actually LIGHT ON FIRE! All because of one of these ignorant smoking pieces of $#@$ upper floor neighbors.

When I came home the box was in ashes. I called the security desk and I told them what had happened, they asked if the fire was out and I said yes, they told me not to do anything or call the fire department and they will send someone up. 30 min later, just some random guard, not even the building manager could pull himself away from the picking his $#!$, came up to check it out. They were not planning on doing anything. He just took a picture and left.

So I did their job for them, I called the fire department, let them know the situation, they sent a truck to the building, a fire inspector came and took a look, took pictures and wrote up a report. He left a copy with the security desk and the next day I get a visit from Mr. useless property manager finally off his $#!$ to come and see me and he assured me nothing like this would happen again and they are very sorry.

And I responded with what I mentioned up top, what could they do to change the natural disgusting human behavior of all for one and one for themselves?
I have a solution to the the AC problem! Today when the guy came to fix it (the second time) he told me that cool was heat, and heat was cool. If you set it to heat, it will blow cold air! It's so weird.

someone came to my unit today and said that too and said other units are having problems like this where the settings are flipped or that the compressor is broken

what a crazy building, i also hate the noises in the morning at 7am
The rising sun in the morning is also disturbing us.
Whatta crazy building...

someone came to my unit today and said that too and said other units are having problems like this where the settings are flipped or that the compressor is broken

what a crazy building, i also hate the noises in the morning at 7am

it's one of the plumber guys.
It's time the guys are leaving!
Maybe the same b.....d who drop cigarette butts out of windows?
I would not wonder.

and whoever keeps writing PAT on everything is also disturbing us.
Whatta crazy building...
Hopefully, after all the construction is done, and everyone's problems are fixed, centro will be one of scarborough's best condo projects.
and whoever keeps writing PAT on everything is also disturbing us.
Whatta crazy building...

oh Pat. i feel sorry for Pat. sometimes im tempted to write back and ask that they leave poor Pat alone, and get the f*ck back to work. hah
Update: ac still broken but good news is I just got confirmation for a locker! I didn't think there was any lockers left!!
