Ontnut, have you moved in yet? I am curious to see how you set up your furniture with the penthouse floor plan.
Actually no, not yet. Had to wait for custom furniture - moving some of it in this Thursday - it's going to be a long process though since most of the things are new. I will be sure to post pictures as I complete rooms.
Hi i'm in North tower, anyone have problem with the garbage chute?
Reason i said that is everytime i go to do my garbage and everytime out of service.
Called to security and said will double check, but i go double check each hour still not working.
It start making me piss off........
Thanks, sounds good. Good luck moving in, Ontnut! Fefe33, the same thing happens to me too! I'm in the South tower, and almost every time I go to use the garbage chute, it's out of service! It hasn't happened for a while though so hopefully it's fixed.
Thanks chazed, I hope it goes well too!
Regarding garbage chute, I did have that problem once, but other times it was working (the time I used it prior to having a problem). I thought it may be because someone else was using it, but it was showing a light at "garbage" and "in use" I'm above most units, so it doesn't make sense that it would be locked still. I waited for 10-15 mins, still nothing. Could it be because somebody jammed something in the chute and the door didn't close properly, thus the system thinks it's still in use?
Hi i'm in North tower, anyone have problem with the garbage chute?
Reason i said that is everytime i go to do my garbage and everytime out of service.
Called to security and said will double check, but i go double check each hour still not working.
It start making me piss off........

YES! I have the same problem ALL the time and I am also in the North Tower. I had inquired about this with the Property Manager, Jai, and he told me that there's no problem and that I have been the only one to complain. So, PLEASE, email him to let him know that you too are having difficulties! (Because I dont think he believes me). Also the chute only operates between the hours of 6am - 10pm (according to the property manager).

As for Onnut, I think when you get lights like that that means someone else is throwing out "garbage" and if you had garbage to throw out you can too? But you said you waited 15mins... I dont think anyone can throw out trash for 15mins... so you might be right about the chute jamming because it was not closed properly.

In any case, when you do find the chute has all sorts of lights on and is not working you can call the Gatehouse and they will look into it, usually they're good at getting it up and working again...
I was in the building last night, and used the garbage chute twice. The first time around 8, recycling light was on and it was "in use". I could not open the chute, which makes sense. Second time I went back around 9, the garbage light was on, but it was "'ready", and I was able to open and dispose garbage. Seems like it's working as it should now.
I was in the building last night, and used the garbage chute twice. The first time around 8, recycling light was on and it was "in use". I could not open the chute, which makes sense. Second time I went back around 9, the garbage light was on, but it was "'ready", and I was able to open and dispose garbage. Seems like it's working as it should now.

Lucky you!

Anyone get a note about modification of the bulkhead?
I spoke to the gatehouse today about the garbage chute. They said that when people try to stuff big boxes inside the chute they get stuck then the machine turns off. They said that if it's like that the next time you want to use it just call them and they will go to take out what's stuck.
I would really love to know why the amenities haven't opened yet. I've been inside on a few different occasions, and they look ready. For a few weeks now I am not seeing any construction people around the buildings. It doesn't make sense to me; the whole street level part of the complex is fenced off and there are no people working on it! I am hoping the whole place will be finished soon. It's really starting to annoy me.
i think there are tons of unsold units in the building... and the lockers are probably reserved for the new buyers as an incentive to buy the units... most of the 1 bedrooms are sold... just the 2 bedrooms left the last time i was at the sales centre...... theres probably a slim chance you will get a locker now if you don't already have one ...
