Party rooms are ready - you have to book through security to get access/reservation. Looks quite nice inside, furniture is in and fireplace should be working.
and contract workers come in again today to all units to install some patio door swing chain so when you open the door the wind wont slam it against the wall. i vaguely remember a notice in the elevators and i guess that gives them permission to use the master key to enter all units whenever they feel like it this week.

i dont mind the install, what i do mind is that i have stated to customer service that no unauthorized entry is allowed without advice notice and they only lightly knock on the door 3 times (which i didnt hear) and then they proceed to enter my unit, good thing i was at home today. this has happened before when they had to do PDI fixes but at least they gave me a notice on the door stating when they would come and i would stay home to work.

what if i was half naked or fully naked or doing something i dont want them to see/hear (the point is privacy in my own damn unit)

what if i had a bunch of valuables laying around and i wasnt home and when i come home and they are missing, is centro going to be responsible or would i have to call up my home insurance....such BS

there was no security going with these workers either, just the three workers

am i the only one who doesnt like this arrangement of workers entering into units anytime?
I'm guessing you will have to file a complaint with Jai/customer service/security desk. It is kind of annoying, it happened to me too, but they fixed my unit up and did a good job of it too, cleaned it and mopped floors and everything. That said, yeah, privacy in my own unit would be good (or at least a notice of entry put up the day before).
This is an issue in my condo as well. I was home one evening watching TV in the dark and I heard a key go into the lock. I assumed it was my wife but when the door opened it was security gaurd! I just sat there staring at him completely dumbfounded that he didn't even knock. I then asked what the hell he was doing and he said he was told by some construction guys that they left their coats in the suite. My unit had been done and occupied for three months, construction was in tower two (I'm in one).

A friend who lives in the building also came home one day and found that his living room furniture was all out of place, and when he questioned the management office they admitted that security went in but there was no record as to why. They claimed it as to escort a worker to fix a deficiency, but they couldn't figure out which trade and what deficiency.

Needless to say after complaints like these things have gotten a lot better, but still. I think it's just part of the growing pains of living in a new condo.
I had a good peak from the LPH level in one of the Centro buildings, and the views were awesome. I think I was able to see the CN tower from that corner unit. From the huge balcony, it looks bigger than the actual PH suite. Good investment whoever is living in the LPH I think.

As for the security walking in without prior permission, I think that's an invasion of privacy in your own home. There should be a log book done with a clear reason and accountability when security does something like that so that it's traceable. Security could have made up any excuse.
I had a good peak from the LPH level in one of the Centro buildings, and the views were awesome. I think I was able to see the CN tower from that corner unit. From the huge balcony, it looks bigger than the actual PH suite. Good investment whoever is living in the LPH I think.

:) The views are quite nice! I guess you were in the South tower, and not my unit? haha

They finally came and finished up some PDI issues, but now neither of my a/c units work, and have been that way since Friday...
Glad to see the amenities are being finished - still not sure myself why the games room is not open.

I'm also a little frustrated with the property manager right now - basically for any issue, the answer is "I don't know" or "I have to wait until the changeover from Henderson". Bleh.
That's strange how your AC doesn't work. Did yours stop working during the summer like a lot of other people's? At least it's not hot outside.

Does anyone know what they're building outside on the corner of borough and town centre court? I can't figure it out and it's killing me! LOL
One only stopped working after they did some work on my unit last week. The other one never did work properly. Was set at cool at 71, was set to auto and cool, but room was always 76ish.

I saw them putting down some grass today along the sidewalk, not sure about at borough drive though.
hello ontnut - maybe the building has turned off the a/c for the year? from what i understand the a/c and heat doesnt work all year round, the main furnace needs to be switched one. either way you should check with the gatehouse.

i too have the same problem with property management - whenever there is a problem, his answer is "we cant do much because we are not registered" (which is such BS)
Yay, we have grass! LOL

Now I see they've put a huge rock in that spot I was wondering about. That makes me even more confused!
hello ontnut - maybe the building has turned off the a/c for the year? from what i understand the a/c and heat doesnt work all year round, the main furnace needs to be switched one. either way you should check with the gatehouse.

i too have the same problem with property management - whenever there is a problem, his answer is "we cant do much because we are not registered" (which is such BS)

I doubt it, as a general repair guy did come to take a look at it and said he didn't have the tools to fix it. Also the common areas are a lot cooler than my unit! Dominus did call though, they are coming today/tomorrow to fix it.

Actually regarding Jai...funny story.
I booked the party room for a weekend in Dec. Filled out all the forms properly etc., but after they looked at it, it turns out that the unit is still under a different purchasers name, and they'd need his signature since on paper, he's the "owner". That already ticked me off because we've sent several letters to Henderson, the lawyers, mortage agents etc., saying that the unit was sold to me and it should be under my name (or atleast as one of the owners....). I told Jai this, and he was like, "I don't know, I just have this form here with someone else's name." so I said, "ok, so HOW do I get it so that MY name is registered as the unit owner, since I've requested it many times?" He says that he has no idea how to do that, and that I'd have to talk to Henderson because he has no control over anything until the changeover. So I asked when the changeover was, and he had no idea. After 10 minutes of back and forth, he asked me to get the other owner to come and sign the form - I told him that the other owner works long hours way across the city and isn't going to drive over here just to sign a silly form. At this point I was getting really annoyed, so I asked him as a property manager, shouldn't he be...managing the property and working for the unit owners? Couldn't he call and find out how things are going, instead of just saying I don't know? I asked about amenities and when they'd be completed, he doesn't know. I asked if the outdoor terrace would be open this season, no clue.
Anyways, after another 5 minutes of arguing, I said "Why don't you just fax the form to his office, so he can sign it and send it back? He's too busy to drive over an hour just to sign the form here." He agreed to do that, but then started asking where the fax number I was giving him was located (as in where the other guy worked). I said it shouldn't matter where he works, it's his fax number, that could be private information, or maybe his house fax. Obviously he didn't believe me (probably though I'd send it to a friend or sign it myself) so he asked for the guy's work number as well so he could confirm... This was really starting to piss me off, but I gave it to him anyway and told him to fax the form immediately so we could book it before someone else did. He said he would. This entire conversation took about 20-25 minutes.
Three days later.
I go to the gatehouse and ask if the form was signed yet - as the other owner didn't receive any phone calls. The security guard said that Jai didn't even take the form with him to fax, and obviously didn't call either. W.T.F.!!! What does this guy do again? What is he getting paid for? Can we get a better property manager after the changeover? /end rant.

Chazed, I haven't seen the rock yet, maybe it's just for decoration? *shrug*
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hi bunnie :) i still have my ac on..... i like having the windows open but sometimes the food smell of surrounding units is so strong that it gets into mine, so im forced to have the cool air running because i like it cool.

hello ontnut - maybe the building has turned off the a/c for the year? from what i understand the a/c and heat doesnt work all year round, the main furnace needs to be switched one. either way you should check with the gatehouse.

i too have the same problem with property management - whenever there is a problem, his answer is "we cant do much because we are not registered" (which is such BS)
Ontnut, so sorry that you have to deal with Jai. He is completely useless, and so frustrating to try and seek info from. I emailed him about parking procedures because I was getting into an agreement to rent someone's space and he basically told me that they have no formal process nor do they keep track of what licence plate #'s can be parked and where. He said it was up to the owner of the spot to monitor who parks where. I had emailed him when I first took occupancy regarding how we would be billed for they start now, or do we get billed when we get title and the adjustments will be made then....he told me that "my guess was as good as his" because he has no idea. WTF.

If there is a vote us owners can have to remove him, I am in.

I doubt it, as a general repair guy did come to take a look at it and said he didn't have the tools to fix it. Also the common areas are a lot cooler than my unit! Dominus did call though, they are coming today/tomorrow to fix it.

Actually regarding Jai...funny story.
I booked the party room for a weekend in Dec. Filled out all the forms properly etc., but after they looked at it, it turns out that the unit is still under a different purchasers name, and they'd need his signature since on paper, he's the "owner". That already ticked me off because we've sent several letters to Henderson, the lawyers, mortage agents etc., saying that the unit was sold to me and it should be under my name (or atleast as one of the owners....). I told Jai this, and he was like, "I don't know, I just have this form here with someone else's name." so I said, "ok, so HOW do I get it so that MY name is registered as the unit owner, since I've requested it many times?" He says that he has no idea how to do that, and that I'd have to talk to Henderson because he has no control over anything until the changeover. So I asked when the changeover was, and he had no idea. After 10 minutes of back and forth, he asked me to get the other owner to come and sign the form - I told him that the other owner works long hours way across the city and isn't going to drive over here just to sign a silly form. At this point I was getting really annoyed, so I asked him as a property manager, shouldn't he be...managing the property and working for the unit owners? Couldn't he call and find out how things are going, instead of just saying I don't know? I asked about amenities and when they'd be completed, he doesn't know. I asked if the outdoor terrace would be open this season, no clue.
Anyways, after another 5 minutes of arguing, I said "Why don't you just fax the form to his office, so he can sign it and send it back? He's too busy to drive over an hour just to sign the form here." He agreed to do that, but then started asking where the fax number I was giving him was located (as in where the other guy worked). I said it shouldn't matter where he works, it's his fax number, that could be private information, or maybe his house fax. Obviously he didn't believe me (probably though I'd send it to a friend or sign it myself) so he asked for the guy's work number as well so he could confirm... This was really starting to piss me off, but I gave it to him anyway and told him to fax the form immediately so we could book it before someone else did. He said he would. This entire conversation took about 20-25 minutes.
Three days later.
I go to the gatehouse and ask if the form was signed yet - as the other owner didn't receive any phone calls. The security guard said that Jai didn't even take the form with him to fax, and obviously didn't call either. W.T.F.!!! What does this guy do again? What is he getting paid for? Can we get a better property manager after the changeover? /end rant.

Chazed, I haven't seen the rock yet, maybe it's just for decoration? *shrug*
