My fob and intercom both seem to be working fine (although I didn't know which number to press to let the guy in - it's 9 just in case someone else didn't know)

Your fob SHOULD only work in your own tower...there's no reason for you to be in the other tower right?
Hello everyone!
Just wondering if anyone else is having problems with their fobs or intercom access? I am unable to buzz people in and my fob only works in my tower - I was told this is how they will be keeping it.

i talked to the security guard about this.. he said the fobs only works in your own building... which sucks because people who commute from the RT station at STC would have to walk outside to the other entrance in the cold which is kinda stupid ... its just a huge inconvenience, i hope enough people complain so they can get that changed...
I guess maybe there are also safety issues? They possibly don't want people going from building to building that shouldn't be there. I know I prefer not having a few hundred people with direct access to my building/unit who don't even live in my building. IT sucks that you have to walk another 50 meters to the other entrance especially in winter though.
i agree..we already share common amenities...and parking space

i talked to the security guard about this.. he said the fobs only works in your own building... which sucks because people who commute from the RT station at STC would have to walk outside to the other entrance in the cold which is kinda stupid ... its just a huge inconvenience, i hope enough people complain so they can get that changed...
It just doesn't make any sense because we are able to access each others towers through the 5th floor, so what's the difference in implementing this at the ground level. And what about those people living in the Townhouses? Do they have access to both towers? Or are they assigned to a specific tower in order to access the amenities? This whole trying to keep owners within their own towers is just stupid - if you dont want us to travel between towers then dont connect the two with a giant floor dedicated to "sharing" amenities.

And if we want to talk about security issue, then we should definitely bring up the fact that they are going through all this work to have FOB scanners put into place in the elevators but are not installing it on each and every staircase. If they want to take security seriously then they should cover all points of access not just pick and choose.

I also agree, it sucks for those living in the South Tower to have to trek around the buildings during winter. Good thing we haven't seen any harsh weather yet.

I'm just saying.
Hey guys. Today I went to the gatehouse and asked about being able to use the fobs in the North tower (I'm in south). Before I even finished asking the question, he knew what I was asking. I was actually surprised about his reaction. He wrote it down on a paper and said he'd give it to the boss to do tomorrow. Seems like it'll work. If it works it would be great because I walk from the bus station at scarborough town centre everyday, and the weather isn't getting any better. LOL
One thing you need to keep in mind, security is more important than convenience. You don't want everyone to have ground access to a building that is not their's, trust will truly understand this when "renters" start to move my old building they were linked and renters in the first building were really annoying and were always coming through our was not a pretty sight...they way they have it now is proper...

Canada is cold and is not a good enough excuse to have access to another building just becase they are linked...

Hey guys. Today I went to the gatehouse and asked about being able to use the fobs in the North tower (I'm in south). Before I even finished asking the question, he knew what I was asking. I was actually surprised about his reaction. He wrote it down on a paper and said he'd give it to the boss to do tomorrow. Seems like it'll work. If it works it would be great because I walk from the bus station at scarborough town centre everyday, and the weather isn't getting any better. LOL
no offense, but your comment about "renters" dont make any sense because there would be "renters" in both buildings so why would it matter if the "renters" in one tower has access to the other tower. I dont see how this is a security issue when you are referring to people who actually live in the building.

ps. if you dont like Canada and her weather then you're in the wrong country.
On another topic, did anyone/is anyone planning on running for the board of directors? I just go the notice in the mail about the turnover/voting etc., I really think we need a good board (especially given the experience we've had with property management so far)...who care about the property and can do something about situations such as this key fob issue.
No offense for any who live in the south tower, but there should be some pros and cons for each tower. For ST it's great that there's better scenery from your unit than the NT. Especially knowing that there's possibilities that another building will erect beside the EQ's later on (based on a previous post in this thread). It does sound inconvenient for people who live in ST to walk outside a bit further in the cold but it's just one little perk of purchasing a unit in NT. Just saying...
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No offense for any who live in the south tower, but there should be some pros and cons for each tower. For ST it's great that there's better scenery from your unit than the NT. Especially knowing that there's possibilities that another building will erect beside the EQ's later on (based on a previous post in this thread). It does sound inconvenient for people who live in ST to walk outside a bit further in the cold but it's just one little perk of purchasing a unit in NT. Just saying...

let me get this straight... you are saying people that live in the ST should have to walk around the building because people in the NT have a crappy view??

i'm sure if you guys had elderly parents or grandparents that lived with you, you would want them to have access to the closer entrance so they don't have to walk outside in the cold.. management should look into this issue...

and one more point, if someone wanted to get into the either building.. all they have to do is follow someone in... since there are no longer any security guards on duty at the lobby... there isn't much security in the building anyways.. the security at monarch across the street is alot better than what we have in our building...
Supra, I don't think that's what angel meant. I think you are taking it too literally. What I think was meant was that there are really pros and cons to everything in this world, including which tower you chose. Of course, we probably didn't know what the pros and cons would ultimately be at the time of purchase, but if it is truly some sort of rule or law that access to the NT is to be denied to residents of the ST, then as big of an inconvenience that might be, it might be preferabe to having your view of the city, which might have been a major selling point for you, be blocked by a new condo across the street.

With that said, I'd really like to get to the bottom of this...I don't think we've gotten a straight answer from any security/management yet, and I think we are owed one. In regards to front desk security, I know there is supposed to be someone there, but more often than not, they are off on patrol or taking someone up to view the units from what I hear. I really think they need a full time security at each desk though. This is something I will definitely bring up at the turnover meeting. Which by the way, if you haven't decided who to vote for, vote for me! ;)
Here's a copy of the email I sent to Jai:

"Hi Jai,

Hope you are well. I have a couple of concerns I'd like to bring to your attention.

Regarding the key fobs and their access, I've been told that residents from NT will not have access to the ST areas, and vice versa. Is there some sort of particular reason for this such as security? Some residents of ST are complaining that they have to walk quite a bit farther to the ST from STC/bus station in the winter. It would be more convenient for them, especially given many are elderly and/or children, if they could walk through the NT lobby or amenities to the ST. If the reason is due to security, this I can sort of understand.

But with that said, I've noticed more often than not, that the front desk security guard is often "On patrol", leaving the lobby completely unattended. Anyone can just walk into the building following another person and there is no one there to check/recognize them. This would be more of a security concern than residents using key fobs in other buildings, I would think. I think many of the residents would feel more comfortable with a full time security guard who will always remain at the front lobby desk. If security is required to bring potential purchasers up to the units for viewings, I think there should be a separate party to bring them up.

Please advise and let me know what the situation is, so I can report back to some of the owners. Thank you."

I will let you know his response.
let me get this straight... you are saying people that live in the ST should have to walk around the building because people in the NT have a crappy view??

i'm sure if you guys had elderly parents or grandparents that lived with you, you would want them to have access to the closer entrance so they don't have to walk outside in the cold.. management should look into this issue...

and one more point, if someone wanted to get into the either building.. all they have to do is follow someone in... since there are no longer any security guards on duty at the lobby... there isn't much security in the building anyways.. the security at monarch across the street is alot better than what we have in our building...

ok, the view v.s. convenience (also meaning less security for either towers) may not be the best to compare considering not all views in NT is "crappy". It is just one small point to showcase the pros and cons of either buildings.

I hear that it's common for condos that have different phases/towers to NOT have access to either building due to security issues. Although I understand that our condos isn't comparable to our neighbours in regards to security but it's better than nothing. Especially now that we don't have a security at either entrances, less people who doesn't live there would be safer for those who actually live there.

Yes, having elderly or even people who require extra accessibility should have some flexibility. But even with that said... regardless of what season it may be, purchasing the ST wouldn't of been the better solution. They still need to go the extra distance to get to their building which is not really considerate. It's about location, location, location...

This is Canada after all, winter is normal for us to endure. If you're healthy and have two legs that can walk, just walk... it's not that far. I just can't wait for spring to come and have the sun out more longer.

On another note, Ontnut brings a good point... who is considering to be on the board or directors? Jai is not helpful.
I live in the Monarch condo right next to the TTC entrance to STC. We share an underground parking with our sister building which is to the West of my building but our fobs do not allow access to each other's building. In order for them to get to the TTC, they have to walk around my building. It sucks for them to have to walk around but I actually like it this way. Less traffic in my building = potentially less security issue, vandalism, people throwing garbage around, breaking things, etc.... Trust me, it's better this way.
