hmm.. how come i never received a letter at all?

I bought a unit in building E when the last 4 floors were on sale this summer so and they told me interim closing was june 2011 but since then, i've had my agent contact concord and they us 6 months delay but i have never received a letter like some of you have....
hmm.. how come i never received a letter at all?

I bought a unit in building E when the last 4 floors were on sale this summer so and they told me interim closing was june 2011 but since then, i've had my agent contact concord and they us 6 months delay but i have never received a letter like some of you have....

Could be because you are talking about Discovery 2, I bought into building A. I heard a rumour that they are waiting for all parts of the amenities for 1 and 2 to be built before moving everyone in at the same time, which is a bummer to those in Discovery 1 and not really fair.
Yea, I am talking about Discovery 2. Correct me if i'm wrong but don't they usually have to finish amenities before they allow you to move it? If that is the case, I guess they are going to finish all the amenities + Discovery 1 before they allow you to move in but Discovery 2 will still be in construction while you are moving in.
I do notice that other surrounding condo construction projects and downtown have construction people working during the weekends as well. The pace in construction seems to be slower for Parkplace - I'm not sure if it's because they are building 4 buildings at once with a limited amount of workers..or that other projects have workers who are not in unions who may work longer hours during the week or they have double shifts working 7 days a week..... or something like that. hah! :p
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I think there must have been some sort of delay as it doesn't take another full year to complete all the amenities. The builder had noted back in early November that they wouldn't complete the entire project until January 2012. Seems a bit odd to finish the complex in the middle of winte.

In regards to assigning a unit, it was my understanding that we could not legally sell or rent the property until the Final closing date when full possession has taken place. If Interim closing occurs in January 2012, then the final closing date may not be until spring or worse case scenario summer of 2012.
Correct me if i'm wrong but don't they usually have to finish amenities before they allow you to move it?

Not necessarily. I moved into X Condo and waited about 4 months till the amenities were finnished and open to the residents.
Just noticed that the Aria Condos just down the road are pretty much completed. I remember they were in a similar stage where Parkplace was back in May 2010. I don't like to compare and complain but it just seems ridiculous that the external structure of the Concord condos are completed yet another 12 months is needed.
Also found this article talking about Toronto Condo delays..

Maximum no. of days for occupancy delay for condo
Agreement signed on or before June 30, 08

The builder can delay occupancy of a new condominium unit for up to 5 days without giving notice or compensation. Also, compensation will not be paid for delays caused by events beyond the builder’s control, such as strikes or floods, or for delays which the purchaser causes.

Every purchase agreement for a condominium unit will include either a confirmed “occupancy date” or a “tentative occupancy date”. For the latter, the builder is required to inform the purchaser in writing of the confirmed occupancy date no later than 30 days after the roof assembly is completed (or another specific stage of construction as specified in the purchase agreement).

If the purchaser is not given notice of the confirmed occupancy date 90 days before the tentative occupancy date, then the tentative date automatically becomes the confirmed date for the purpose of calculating compensation for the delay.

Once the confirmed occupancy date is established, the builder is allowed to extend it once by up to 120 days. In this situation, the builder must give the purchaser at least 65 days written notice. The builder can also extend the date by up to 15 days if they give the purchaser at least 35 days written notice. The builder is permitted to use both of these extensions as long as they give required notices and the total of the two extensions does not exceed 135 days.

Agreement signed on or after July 1, 08

Compensation arising out of delayed Occupancy
Once the purchaser gets occupancy of the unit (prior to the closing of the transaction) they may be able to claim compensation for delayed occupancy. It is prudent for buyers to speak with the builder and / their own real estate lawyer handling the closing.

Once buyer submits a Delayed Occupancy Form ( can be obtained by calling TARION), they may be able to claim up to $100 per day in living expenses (such as temporary accommodation costs), plus other direct costs caused by the delay (such as extra moving and storage costs - receipts are required for these costs), up to a maximum of $5,000.

If the purchaser submits a Delayed Occupancy Form without supporting receipts or other proof of expenses, the amount they may be able to claim up to $100 per day for living expenses. In all cases, the maximum amount that can be claimed for living expenses and other direct costs caused by the delay (such as extra moving and storage costs - and receipts are required for these costs) remains at $5,000.

Homeowners must submit the delayed occupancy claim according to the service rules that are described in the Delayed Closing / Occupancy of the Homeowner Information Package.

Early occupancy date:
The builder may offer the buyer occupancy of the unit earlier than the confirmed occupancy date, but the builder cannot require that the purchaser accept it. The builder must obtain the purchaser’s consent in writing to an earlier date.
Thanks cassius, it makes me furious that they can STILL delay us by another 120 days, since they gave us a confirmed interim closing. I got a rebate on my unit but only on final closing so even if I try to assign it during occupancy, which I think is allowed according to what I read in the contract, I'll be out 5K PLUS the cash back they promised me. Its not worth it to lose that now. So I guess I'm kinda screwed.
Just noticed that the Aria Condos just down the road are pretty much completed. I remember they were in a similar stage where Parkplace was back in May 2010. I don't like to compare and complain but it just seems ridiculous that the external structure of the Concord condos are completed yet another 12 months is needed.

I have recently moved into my suite at Aria and can tell you that the buliding is far from complete. None of the common areas, including the looby, are finished. The hallways are about half complete (they claim this is by design as they don't want to lay new carpet only to have movers track dirt, salt, etc. through it).

The suites on floors six and under are pretty much complete with move ins started, but they are still working on seven and above to varying degrees.
I suppose it depends if you want to move into a construction zone. Some prefer not to. Also, you'll be paying phantom rent (maintenance fee on common areas and amenities plus interest on remaining deposit for months on end). At that point you will be complaining when will the building register? How come it's taking so long? How can they make me pay maintenance fess on amenities that aren't even available? Why are they making me move in so early when it's a mess? What about my personal security? There are so many workers coming in and out of my unit and the building. And things like I don't feel safe for my personal belongings.
First of all, just want to say welcome to the future neighbours of Aria. I do agree that moving in during last stages of construction can be difficult. However, if you were to take a look at the Concord parkplace complex, you would never suspect it would take another year for completion. In fact, I am at the site at this very moment. There is full work being performed on all 4 buildings at the same time. This tells me that the builder intends to be working throughout the entire winter season and into spring. If we were to compare the progress of pictures taken last year then we know that the builder is capable of accomplishing a lot within a 6 month period.

By the way, the reason why I am at the site because I am planning on going to the sales office for SOME ANSWERS for the delay.
Thanks Cassius, please keep us informed, I would like to go there myself, but I fear all we'd get is backspeak and excuses...
I still love the location and the buildings (the townhouse colours not so much). However, I hope there is still a chance they will be able to finish this earlier than their scheduled time and we can move in at least in September or so instead of 2012!
Well.. I got the official answer. I had to wait a few days to calm down before sharing the news.

So, I strolled into the sales office on Friday afternoon. The office was quiet dead so it didn't take too long to see a random sales agent. Before, asking the main and most obvious question, I inquired on sales of their new building, Tango. The sales agent told me that there has been heavy demand for Tango and the project only has 10% available units left starting at $308K. She also informed me that if anyone were to purchase a condo now, there is a stipulation in the contract with Tarion stating that the complex can only be delayed a specified 'X' amount of time.

Her stating that was a perfect transition to my next and main

And so, the long awaited response and she amazingly said this with a straight face!

The builder, Ellis Don, for Conrcord parkplace had discovered a underground river when they were digging to create the underground parking lot. So, as a result, there need time to cover it up and seal it before completion. THAT WAS IT!

She said with certainty that there is NO CHANCE anyone will be moving in within the 2011 calendar year. So, what we are going to see in 2011 are fully constructed condos (discovery 1 / discovery 2) with all amenities pretty much COMPLETED but nobody can move in until that underground river is sealed up!
That is the crappiest excuse! Don't they have people called engineers who are supposed to determine viability of digging in the area? How could they possibly not know this beforehand? I'm really pissed about that. So I gather everyone is going to move into a completed building all at the same time? I suppose if there is any positive here is that the amenities will be done and we won't be paying condo fees on partially completed amenities. I wonder if this will impact the time to registration, at the very least I hope that we can register really soon after occupancy. Its the least they owe us. Are you on a lower floor cassius? I am.
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