mounting 55" LED to wall (metal studs)

Hi everyone,

Sorry if this question has been asked before but I'm planning on mounting my 55" LED TV to the wall and found out there are metal studs in there. I've read mixed reviews online and I'm sure I'm not the only one in building A/B that wants to mount their TV to a wall.

If anyone has done this already or knows of someone who does know how to do it, please shed some light on this.

(Btw, I'm using a full motion wall mount, the mount weighs about 25lbs, TV weights about 52lbs)

Thanks in advance!
Sorry...we had planned to mount our TV to the wall with a full motion mount too, but then opted for an entertainment unit instead cuz of the same metal studs issue we also read online. In the end, we floated the entertainment unit off the ground but lucked out cuz our wall backed onto concrete and then just set the TV on it.

If we didnt' have the concrete, with the reviews online we would have opted out of the wall mounting cuz when we were talking to the contractors that helped us with our e-unit it seemed like a huge headache to open the wall to reinforce it with wood studs.

Another method I had thought of in my head was to install some contrasting panels that would stretch across a few studs to help with the load and then mount it on the panels cuz I also read that the suspension rail system could hold more weight.

If I was willing to take the risk I guess I would have used a few drywall anchors spaced evenly apart and hit at least one metal stud or extremely long screws to hit concrete (if it was there). =/
Does anyone know why there has been almost no a/c lately? Is the property manager not competent enough to find someone who can get it working? There should be a refund from the property manager for having to run the fan constantly just waiting for the a/c to come back on. This is pathetic and I would strongly encourage anyone not to buy or rent at concord discovery.
Does anyone know when it would be possible for a new board of directors to remove brookfield from managing this property? They post a terrible memo asking for consideration in getting used to a/c or something. As if its like they need to read the manual or something, when I call the management office they claim it will be fixed tomorrow. They have said that for weeks. I have not dealt with a more incompetent group of property managers. I understand Concord probably installed a cheap-o unit(something like the washer dryer combo-useless) but this is unheard of. They always call a tech to come fix it, it works for a few hours then it dies. There is no excuse at all. There must be a breach of contract clause somewhere so that brookfield is no longer here.
I'm pretty sure Concord signed a service agreement with Brookfield which lasts a few even if a Board is elected their hands would be tied in the matter. Personally, I don't think property management is the problem, I think it's the AC system. I wouldn't be surprised if the AC system installed isn't powerful enough to handle the pipes and size of the buildings so that it keeps (overheating?) breaking down. But that's not something property management will tell you!
I agree totally with no-ac. I've had numerous problems with Brookfield unfortunately, I won't list them all but they are certainly not very receptive to complaints. A/C is one. It hasn't been working properly for almost 2 months now. There are elderly people living in the condo, and I pity those in higher levels where the heat must be awful without a/c. I sent them an email to that effect, no response. The parking situation is another. They don't give a rat's ass about cars parked in our spots, we have to call Toronto parking authority. Third major issue is the stink in the parking lots. The garbage shoots don't work 80% of the time, so with no A/C, do they expect to keep stinky garbage in our condos? Plus others have stuffed garbage to the hilt in the shoots. It is very poor of them to let these issues happen. What are we paying them for? My cousin lives in another building but he had problems with his property management and had them booted out. I think this could happen if there is a board, I am no lawyer though.
Followup to an email I sent customer care, it baffles me to think they don't know this is a recurrent issue in the building for weeks now.

Hey Melissa

Thanks for the update.

I've spoken to several of my neighbours and we have all noticed that this is a chronic problem that needs to be addressed by Brookfield property management.

The A/C has been on and off for the past month and a half. It works, then it stops working, and either starts spontaneously or you guys need to get someone to come in to fix it. It is not reliably working in other words and when it doesn't we are basically blowing hot air in our condos. And we have to pay for the electricity to blow this hot air out. Its actually worse when we try to turn it on as the air heats up the condo, its almost better to turn the thing off as we have no idea when it will work again.

There might be a more serious problem here given the recurrent nature of the A/C being on and off over the past few weeks.

I am 100% sure that it will be off again soon enough given what's been happening lately.

Property management must be aware of this situation, if not they are not doing their jobs properly.

From Melissa at Customer Care:

I have been informed by Property Management that the chillers are back up and running and that the A/C is once again working. Apparently they went down yesterday during a power outage caused by the storm.
Followup to an email I sent customer care, it baffles me to think they don't know this is a recurrent issue in the building for weeks now.

Hey Melissa

Thanks for the update.

I've spoken to several of my neighbours and we have all noticed that this is a chronic problem that needs to be addressed by Brookfield property management.

The A/C has been on and off for the past month and a half. It works, then it stops working, and either starts spontaneously or you guys need to get someone to come in to fix it. It is not reliably working in other words and when it doesn't we are basically blowing hot air in our condos. And we have to pay for the electricity to blow this hot air out. Its actually worse when we try to turn it on as the air heats up the condo, its almost better to turn the thing off as we have no idea when it will work again.

There might be a more serious problem here given the recurrent nature of the A/C being on and off over the past few weeks.

I am 100% sure that it will be off again soon enough given what's been happening lately.

Property management must be aware of this situation, if not they are not doing their jobs properly.

From Melissa at Customer Care:

I have been informed by Property Management that the chillers are back up and running and that the A/C is once again working. Apparently they went down yesterday during a power outage caused by the storm.

and their explanation for the other 1 1/2 months prior !?!?!
cdr, our management here has a way of only selectively answering questions and ignoring the question you want answers to.
Case in point, the A/C is working today!! YAY!! Pat us on the back! Of course it hasn't been working for 2 months, but we'll ignore that and pretend you didn't bring that up...
From what I can gather, Brookfield is a favored property manager with developers. Concord choose Brookfield, because they will keep Concord's interests ahead of the residents. If there was an ounce of initiative by the property manager these issues could have been dealt with ages ago. The excuse I got on the phone was that it was thought to just be intermittent problems and nothing of concern. That is exactly the excuse a developer would use to cut costs, not a property manager fighting for the comfort of residents. It hurts my brain to talk with the property management, they are worse than any lawyer or politician. The slime falling out of their mouth is disgusting. Bottom line is Brookfield acts as more of an extension of concord than anything designed to make our lives better. I also noticed this thread here on the forums.
Quote from link "We finally had a new board elected the second year and they fired Brookfield (we were not the only condo board getting rid of them) but significantly, when we told Brookfield that we were auditing the budgets, they immediately and mysteriously found a $12,000 discrepancy (to the board’s favour) in their books! Imagine that someone so conscientious that they would do their own audit before handing things back over to us and fortunately finding the $12,000 overpay to them before we did which might have led us to form the conclusion that they were taking money from us that was not authorized.

This is all why it is so important that your condo corporation get it right the first time out of the box! Brookfield and the “shill board” (board manipulated by the developer at the turn over meeting). It took two more years to work things out at that condo so the owners suffered for three years under highly questionable management tactics at the hands of Brookfield and the corrupt board before getting costs under total control. Maintenance fell by 50%. "
Thanks for the info no-ac, information is very powerful. I have had my share of complaints so far about Brookfield, it doesn't seem like they care about their clients so far. We need activist condo board members who are unafraid to be confrontational, I wish I was more eloquent but I am not. I have also heard of property management companies raising the maintenance fees by 50% within 2 or 3 years and that is unacceptable.

The a/c issue, the garbage issue, the parking issue, the elevator issue, the list goes on and on about how they are not handling things appropriately.
I have also heard of property management companies raising the maintenance fees by 50% within 2 or 3 years and that is unacceptable.

that's probably more of a reflection that developers understate the maintenance fees during pre-con sales ... you can figure out why.
Am I the only one that is frustrated with the lack of hot water in 29 singer court? The only time I'm able to get hot water is at 4 in the morning, any other time and it's lukewarm at best..

On an unrelated note.. it looks like the a/c is out again today, it hasn't been working all morning and it's 26 degrees in here.
