What do you think of this project?

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What was delivered is terrible compared to the rendering submitted to the City. Thankfully the City did not agree for any expansion given this atrocity. I don't think many people will want to live in 1960 style of design with little natural light and tiny balcony unless these suites are rented well below market.
Not my best effort, but its the effort it deserves. If you squint or have a few drinks it looks great. Even the minor changes I made the midrise make it a better looking project.
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I've said it before, but this type of infill works against the City's goals of higher density/TOD in the City. It becomes something people can point to and say "well, we don't want that in our neighbourhood", and it's hard to disagree.
I've said it before, but this type of infill works against the City's goals of higher density/TOD in the City. It becomes something people can point to and say "well, we don't want that in our neighbourhood", and it's hard to disagree.
It's also too bad that they started off with a tower. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing new towers (with some exceptions... like this one), but to build one tower and leave future phases in limbo just validates resident concerns about abrupt transitions in building height - from single family homes, to high rises. It'd blend in so much better, even with this sort of aesthetic, if it were a couple of mid rises like University Heights, instead of one giant tower that sticks out like a sore thumb. It won't be as bad if Moreguard ever gets their butt in gear with Bonnie Doon, but who knows if/when that will happen.
