What do you think of this project?

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@Daveography I guess they postponed the HAT @ Oliver again...
Notes from EDC:
  • Phase I is the entire south half of the site, from 90 Ave. to 93 Ave.
  • Four buildings, including the tallest tower, which would be the first to be constructed
  • All existing townhouses on this part of the site would be cleared at once
  • Actual construction phasing was still unknown, but would start at south end of the site and work north
  • 725 units, 572 parking stalls almost all underground
  • No variances from the DC2
  • Bike racks, pedestal lighting, concrete paving at transit plaza, looking into pavement link to LRT station with the city (goal is to build entire plaza at once when development reaches 93 Ave)
  • Main-level corner units would be 3 bedroom family units
  • Materials involved a lot of stucco, with some wood and metal paneling
  • Mostly white with some blue accents (reminiscent of 121 West but with more blue)
Also, Der brought a materials board! But he claimed he was doing EDC a favour, when it's actually something they require of applicants... and on that note, Der still has no idea how to present at EDC. He spent more than half his presentation time talking about meeting the zoning requirements, trying to satisfy the community, challenges, etc. Barely talked at all about design, landscaping, etc. - you know, the things a design panel would want to know.

I'm really disappointed with what I saw. Cheap, low quality, crap design. DC2 specified it had to use "high quality materials" - if the DO accepts stucco as a "high quality material" I just don't know anymore.
Oh yeah this was the materials board.


Supposedly the stucco has a sheen that makes it look more metallic, but I couldn't see it, it just looked cheap.
That is one of the worst material sample boards I have ever seen -- no effort at presentation (regardless of the quality of materials). Acrylic sprayed stucco is not durable no matter how well applied -- wall can't breathe. So any ice-damming will absolutely destroy the finish and as it disintegrates the problem will only grow worse -- unless this is an EIFS application -- can't tell by the labeling process nor the samples.
Here are my notes from the EDC Presentations, too. I make them" humorous" so I remember them better ;)
C.3. Holyrood Phase 1 (Development Permit)
Jim Der - Der & Associates Architecture Ltd.

MOVED: J. Mills
Motion of non-support.
FOR THE MOTION: M. Figueira, J. Mills, D. Nolan, W. Sims, and A. Zepp

The Committee notes the following:
● The submission lacks sufficient clarity regarding the design of the public realm,​
and specifically, the conceptual intent and detailed design refinement of each​
amenity space, including but not limited to grading, site furnishings and features,​
and soft and hard landscape elements.​
● The submission lacks sufficient clarify regarding the selection of building finishes​
(ie. metal panel and / or stucco)​
● The Applicant should provide a detailed staging plan, highlighting those​
components of the public realm which will be constructed in conjunction with​
each phase, which also identifies the treatment and use of those remaining​
portions of the site and pedestrian connectivity east-west to the LRT stop. The​
staging plan must also identify screening and hoarding extent and provisions to​
minimize adverse impacts on the adjacent community over the course of various​
● It is the understanding of the Committee that the transit plaza and 93 Avenue is to​
be a shared space. If this is the design intent, then the Committee recommends​
that the materiality of the plaza be continuous throughout.​
● The Committee feels that the architecture could benefit from greater​
differentiation, through changes in colour, material, form and detail, to reduce the​
repetitiveness of the overall project.​

