
Hi. Just wondering if there are any buyers on here and if you have heard anything on the status of East. Last we heard is that occupancy is now delayed until January 2009 but it is still to early for the builder to be exact...just wondering how long does it usually take to build a condo of this size???
East Lofts Unit For Sale

That's great - it'll be a fabulous building!

I bought a unit a while back but due to personal circumstances changing am looking to sell.

I have a 2 bedroom + 1 bath unit on a high floor with a large west-facing balcony and a parking space. Here is the link to a kijiji ad I put out:


Let me know if anyone is interested
Condo Inspection

I've booked my condo inspection and was told that they are 99.9% sure the current dates (at least for floors 4-7) are accurate.

Has anybody heard anything else interesting?
move in date

I've booked my condo inspection and was told that they are 99.9% sure the current dates (at least for floors 4-7) are accurate.

Has anybody heard anything else interesting?

I was at the site this past weekend there were a lot of appliances being delivered.

I expect that they will give us individual move in dates maybe after the pre-delivery inspections since not everyone can move on the same day.
East Construction Update

November 30, 2009

To All Purchasers of Units at 275 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario
East Lofts – Construction Update
275 King Street East

Dear Purchaser;
We wish to provide you with another update on the construction progress at East.
Elevators are complete, inspected and certified.
All services have been installed and thus all utilities, including sewer, water, gas, Bell, and Rogers are
now complete.
All exterior work, including glass, roofing, brickwork, exterior aluminum railings, and decorative
aluminum cladding are now essentially complete. (We are awaiting some material at the north west
corner of the building, which is basically esthetic and does not affect the building envelope).
The sidewalk and rear lane have been fully restored.
Final suite interior drywall installation, taping and sanding will be essentially completed this week.
Final painting, tiles, and flooring are complete to the 10th floor and being installed on the 11th floor
and kitchen installations are completed to the 9th floor and progressing to the 10th floor. Further all
materials, including flooring, tiles and kitchen cabinets are on site or in Toronto area warehouses.
Please note that the corridor carpet will not be installed until the majority of the suites are occupied.
This is to prevent damage during move-ins.
The parking garage is substantially complete.
All major pieces of equipment are hooked up.
Life safety inspection and certification has begun and fire marshal and building inspectors have been
lined up for mid-December.
We are confirming occupancy on January 15 for floors 3 to 7, and February 1 for floors 8 to
Beginning December 1, we will be conducting Pre Delivery Inspections (PDI) of each purchaser’s
suite. You will be called about two weeks ahead (beginning November 16th) to arrange a date and
time convenient to you to walk through your suite and inspect for deficiencies. Our PDI contact and
the person who will call you is Myron Feshanets. If you are unable to personally attend, you may
make arrangements for someone else to do your PDI.
You will receive a “Home Owners Manual†which will contain information about the appliances,
warranties, controls, materials used, such as flooring and tile, and their care. The package will contain
contact numbers for telephone and cable providers. A contact number will be provided for the
Building Manager. Purchasers should contact the manager for reservation of the elevator for move-in.
Also on this visit, parking and locker locations will be assigned, if applicable.
We will endeavor to rectify all deficiencies before your occupancy. After occupancy, you will have
30 days to send us a “30 Day Deficiency Listâ€. We will then come in to do any minor adjustments,
which we missed or may have come up. On moving, there are always some nicks and scratches. On
our 30 day visit, we will do touch-up painting, including any minor repairs due to moving.
After the PDI, your lawyer will be sent an accounting of the Interim Occupancy Fee. (This fee is
composed of three parts; 1) property tax, which is assume at 1% of purchase price, and will be
adjusted to actual tax on closing; 2) interest, essentially a mortgage based on the remaining
outstanding balance of the purchase price after initial deposit; 3) common fees, which are your
proportionate share of the operation of the condominium as given to you in the “Disclosure†when
you purchased the unit.) You will be required to provide post-dated monthly cheques, including a
certified cheque for the first month’s occupancy. On receipt of these cheques, our lawyer will inform
the building manager, and instruct him to release keys, garage clickers and key fobs. It is our
experience that confusion is caused because the legalities are not completed at the appropriate time,
resulting in the Building Manager being unable to release keys, etc. Further inconvenience is caused
by late or untimely arrival of movers, which disrupts access to elevators for others. Please give
yourselves comfortable windows for both these activities.
Please note that the mailing address will be: 138 Princess Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0B1.
We have been able to secure discounts for Purchasers of units at East, from several local furniture
stores. Myron will be able to provide you with names of stores if this is of interest to you.
Please continue to check the website for updated photos and our next written update, which we will
post in early January. At that time we will try to outline the procedure and timeframe until final
We again thank you for your purchase in East.
I'm late in the game and never had the opportunity to see the model suite when the sales centre was open. But I think this is a great building and location.

What are the opportunities for buying assignments? I do know that there are still a few units unsold.
I am a purchaser of one of the west facing units above the 7th floor. I was able to get into the building a few weeks to take measurements. The unit itself seems to match the plans within an inch or two here and there, but the balcony is a full 13 inches shorter than what was indicated in the floor plans. This makes a HUGE difference as far as I'm concerned.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there any recourse we can take?
The unit itself seems to match the plans within an inch or two here and there, but the balcony is a full 13 inches shorter than what was indicated in the floor plans. This makes a HUGE difference as far as I'm concerned.

Although I'm sure there's a logical reason why they had to make the balcony shorter, nevertheless, a full foot would be a material change in my mind. If it was just half a foot then no. But 13 inches shorter also means it's less wide so I would argue that's considerably less square footage on your balcony versus what you bought into.

Worth a call to your lawyor?
Although I'm sure there's a logical reason why they had to make the balcony shorter, nevertheless, a full foot would be a material change in my mind. If it was just half a foot then no. But 13 inches shorter also means it's less wide so I would argue that's considerably less square footage on your balcony versus what you bought into.

Worth a call to your lawyor?

I'd be interested in what a lawyer would say on this...I'm not a lawyer, but also a purchaser at East. If you check your Disclosure Statement, section XVI (Rescission Rights Upon Material Change) defines what a "material change" is:

XVI (2)... "material change" means a change or a series of changes that a reasonable purchaser, on an objective basis, would have regarded collectively as sufficiently important to the decision to purchase a unit or proposed unit in the corporation that it is likely that the purchaser would not have entered into an agreement of purchase and sale for the unit or the proposed unit or would have exercised the right to rescind such an agreement of purchase and sale under section 73, if the disclosure statement had contained the change or series of changes...."

In other words, a "material change" has to be a deal-breaker that would have kept you from considering buying the unit in the first place if you'd known how it was going to turn out.

However, even if it is a "material change", this section only gives you the right to back out of the deal and get your money back.... it doesn't talk about you keeping the unit and being compensated by the developer. If your unit is worth more now than what you paid for it, the developer would probably not be overly disturbed if you walked away as the developer could resell at a higher price.

I think any compensation, if you could get it from the developer, would be on the basis of a "goodwill gesture" from the developer if they felt so inclined to be nice to you or was especially concerned about their reputation. Not sure that they would be, but who knows.

Unfortunately, I don't think that buyers really negotiate from a position of strength in such situations.
Resident entrance is 138 Princess Street and the lobby is shaping up. Office component is 275 King E.

Is there going to be a concierge/reception in the lobby? My understanding was that there would not be anyone in the front letting people in, instead it would be a purely computerized buzz in system. However, when looking into the lobby of EAST I see that they are putting a desk there.

Just a bit confused as to what that would be for if there is no reception
Ultimately whether there will be concierge or not will be determined by the new condo board, and what owners are prepared to pay for. If you look at the 1st year budget for the condo that came with your purchase agreement, you'll note that there isn't a line item for the cost of a conceirge, so the "low" monthly maintenance fee does not include a conceirge. I wouldn't count on one -- its a pretty small condo building to be able to afford the cost of a conceirge (at least a full time one).

I think the developer provided a reception desk in case the condo board wanted a conceirge in the future. When I was doing my PDI inspection with Myron, he said that at Glas (another Harhay development) the developer provided a part time conceirge (for the evening only) for a while.
RedSky, thanks for your clarification, that definitely makes sense. Hopefully they don't decide to put in a concierge though since that would definitely increase the maintenance fees. One of the main reasons I purchased at EAST was the minimal amenitites which would keep fees low.

On another note, any comments or thoughts on your PDI? Did everything meet or exceed expectations in terms of build quality and construction? I will be having mine this Saturday so it would be great to know what things to look out for in particular if there are recurring issues.

Really excited to see how my unit has shaped up!
