I'm also against the left-turn lanes at every intersection. For all I care, we should put a tree-lined median and only allow left turns in specific places.
Other than this, and the aforementioned slip lanes, I quite like it as well.
I am ok with their balance of turn lanes I think. In the latest plan, going West-East, there's only 4 turn lanes between 83 & 57 streets (and just 3 heading East-West), so most of the streets no longer have them, just a few key ones to avoid some choke points.
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I am ok with their balance of turn lanes I think. In the latest plan, going West-East, there's only 4 turn lanes between 83 & 57 streets (and just 3 heading East-West), so most of the streets no longer have them, just a few key ones to avoid some choke points.
Oh, I'm a huge advocate of ending left turns wherever we can. For starters, it is a very good way to put our roads on a healthy diet, without taking out capacity and, in fact, enhancing traffic flow. That is my big issue with left turns.

We can leave them at major intersection, where it actually makes sense to have them, and in small, residential roads where there are no traffic issues, but we should definitely rethink allowing left turns EVERYWHERE, especially on roads with huge traffic flow issues.
That intersection is not acceptable to me, nor is the painted bicycle gutter between 84th and 80th streets. They say they take the bicycle plan into account, but to rehash a point that's been made on other pages, those bare-minimum amenities will discourage some (not all, but some) from getting on a bike.

So close and yet so far.
Email I sent to the design team:


As a supporter of quality bike infrastructure in Edmonton and the various benefits it brings, I'd like to express my concern about a specific but important aspect of the 101 Avenue Streetscape Redesign, the 101 Avenue/Wayne Gretzky Drive intersection.


The design proposed is not conducive to the goals of creating a safe and inclusive bike network, and I believe it in fact works directly against these goals by creating confusion in between bikes and cars and putting cyclists in potential danger by being unprotected from vehicles on both sides (as shown in the design cross-section).

As a frequent cyclist myself, I wouldn't feel comfortable using this infrastructure and I am an 18 year-old male, so I definitely cannot see how a young family or elderly couple, for example, would even attempt to use these lanes at this intersection.

If I could suggest anything to make this design better, it would be to separate the lanes from the road using a raised curb or blockades, while limiting the intersections with the turning lanes as much as possible and adding protections like raised but drivable inclines (maybe even shortening the turning lanes even further). The bike lanes should have dedicated lights as they cross 75th street as well.

I believe that the main portion of the Streetscape along 101 Ave is at an adequate level, and it is a large improvement from what was there before, however key sections such as the one above can decide what gauges the success and failure of the design, being usage.

Thank you
Disappointed in this one, for sure. I, among many, left feedback about the slip lanes on 75/101 being a bad choice. Sad to see it stick, and confounded as to how this project actually *adds* a new slip lane when compared to the current configuration.
I wish it weren't.

I'm starting to notice this more and more, but why do single-story strip mall type retail buildings always feel the need to have, like, 12 foot ceilings minimum? Half of that building's height is beige dead-space.
Adding a second story for offices implies that business's would be interested in office space. With no parking in the front good luck trying to attract anyone.
Residential could maybe work but then the cost of utility upgrades imposed on the developer by the city would never allow that.
Pissed off that the avenue looks like a business park. Engage your city counselor to do something or at least work with the developers to clear some of these ridiculous by-laws...
Thanks for your input @Jawad , and welcome to the forum.
It sounds like you are involved with the project on 101 ave or have some similar experience with projects that are restricted in design by troublesome city policy rather than the developers intent.
Regardless, we appreciate your input and suggestions.
Also, there is a "introduce yourself" sub-forum in General discussions if you'd like to tell us a bit more about yourself.
Thanks for your input @Jawad , and welcome to the forum.
It sounds like you are involved with the project on 101 ave or have some similar experience with projects that are restricted in design by troublesome city policy rather than the developers intent.
Regardless, we appreciate your input and suggestions.
Also, there is a "introduce yourself" sub-forum in General discussions if you'd like to tell us a bit more about yourself.
Thanks for the welcome.
I was a little heart broken when I heard the comments about the new plaza which I own.
I offered to test/pilot this site for what your community envisioned in that area. But unfortunately the city is lazy and lacks leadership when it comes to common sense ideas and whats best for the community.

I'm hoping at this point now that I can engage with some local business's that might be interested in leasing space. Right now I only been engaged by liquor, weed stores and daycares all of which I have not entertained
Maybe the community could share with me what type of business they would like there.
The building is pushed back as far as we could to the front of 101
I have only a little space in the front for landscaping but it will still be nice. Also I plan to utilize both sides of the property to create a courtyard / outdoor common area
With public seating. I hope people from the community come and enjoy the space.
I was driving down 101 Ave this afternoon when I noticed that the free-flow lane turning right to Gretzky Drive has been blocked off. I assume construction has already started?
