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@westcoastjos Would be good to see something happen to the 109th building. Seems like they should be having momentum with the Century Park projects.
Ditto. I'd love to see something happen on the parking lot in between AE and this building though. I don't know who owns what though or if Procura owns it all and means to develop the whole site. Perhaps that is wishful thinking.
Tall tower could go up next to historic Edmonton Hotel Macdonald


The Fairmont Hotel Macdonald on the corner of Jasper Avenue and 100th Street is a historic landmark in downtown Edmonton. (CBC)

The historic Hotel Macdonald in the heart of downtown Edmonton may be getting a tall new neighbour, and local organizations hope the building won't overshadow the century-old hotel.

In a joint venture, ProCura and Great Gulf propose to build a mixed-use tower up to 55 storeys high on the privately owned lot to the north of the hotel, which is now Frank Oliver Park.

Garrett Turta, general manager of the hotel, said ideally the park would stay and nothing would go up. But he said he's realistic about future developments.

"We always thought at some point that somebody may develop something on that site. We have to just work with whatever happens."

