What do you think of this project?

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This site had a huge opportunity to create a family coop that could help feed the school nearby, support daycares and walkable amenities for families and is an IDEAL location away from busy streets and near supporting features.
I really think Oliver, especially this area of it, needs more townhome options.

This developer wanted that land swap which didn't happen. Was it a completely different design they were proposing for the other space vs. what we have here?
for the life of me I cannot understand the stance that the Oliver Community League took on this piece of land. The League was upset that the developer's plan for a high rise on this land would shadow the community gardens known as the peace park directly to the north. The developer (for those not in the know), offered a direct swap of this parcel of land for an equal sized parcel of the existing Oliver park (103ave and 118st) on the north edge abutting 104 ave. The OCL could have had this parcel to expand the community garden and anchor their replacement community hall. There would have been no net loss/gain of park land. and the high rise would have made much more sense located on 104 ave. An obstinate and bull headed decision on the part of OCL, but several board members decided this would be their cause célèbre, (without any meaningful engagement or consultation with the Oliver residents).
Bumping this post RE this project.
for the life of me I cannot understand the stance that the Oliver Community League took on this piece of land. The League was upset that the developer's plan for a high rise on this land would shadow the community gardens known as the peace park directly to the north. The developer (for those not in the know), offered a direct swap of this parcel of land for an equal sized parcel of the existing Oliver park (103ave and 118st) on the north edge abutting 104 ave. The OCL could have had this parcel to expand the community garden and anchor their replacement community hall. There would have been no net loss/gain of park land. and the high rise would have made much more sense located on 104 ave. An obstinate and bull headed decision on the part of OCL, but several board members decided this would be their cause célèbre, (without any meaningful engagement or consultation with the Oliver residents).

Too many times, on boards like this, you get a fear to think creatively, or to go out on any kind of limb.
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