Blatchford Community Updates updates from today.


Carbon Busters is kicking off construction of their net-zero townhomes shortly.
Blatchford Community Updates updates from today.

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Carbon Busters is kicking off construction of their net-zero townhomes shortly.
It's nice to see that NAIT will hook their buildings in Blatchford to the district energy centre. I was worried that NAIT wouldn't adopt Blatchford's standards when they acquired that land. I wonder if they'll also use green building codes, and improve their landscaping in the area (bioswales, native plants, etc).
Part of me hates saying this, but I think it will look quite strange in a decade or so when this community will end up with little clusters of very differently-styled housing. In the words of The School of Life, there's both too much similarity and too much diversity.
"The plan notes the potential for a symbiotic relationship between NAIT and Blatchford. The polytechnic will serve as a catalyst and help drive neighbourhood development. In turn, Blatchford will provide a community of users for shared-use facilities and a critical mass for shops, services and amenities of benefit to students and staff.

The area could also be home to student housing. Kevin Gue, associate vice-president of facilities management and development, said residences are among the polytechnic’s first priorities for campus growth.

'We're currently working on the initial stages of planning for campus residences to address this long-standing need,' Gue said. That work includes exploring potential partnerships and finalizing zoning and servicing agreements with the city."

So as per the plan, it appears the armoury is leaving. I wonder if the military have any plans to actually do so, or is this more wishful thinking on the part of NAIT?
So as per the plan, it appears the armoury is leaving. I wonder if the military have any plans to actually do so, or is this more wishful thinking on the part of NAIT?
I mean, without the air field what are they supposed to do there? Have the tanks and armored trucks patrol the townhouses??
That's a reserve unit. similar to the one on the south side. The big toys get used out at Wainwright or the Garrison.
I know buddy, just joshing around 😆
