Is there any word about when they'll break ground on these, and when they'll be move-in ready? I haven't seen anything about the timelines on the builder's websites. I had to send a message to both of them, because I tried their phone numbers but they both have the wrong numbers on their websites. One guy just said that I had the wrong number, and the other said that I was the third person to call him today about the townhouses!
I'll just make a new post to keep things neat and organized. Common Ground Properties hopes to break ground this September, and have the condominium building move-in ready in 14-16 months. This is just a rough schedule and could change of course, but they're in the process of getting a development permit approved and they expect that to happen any time.

Regarding NX's townhouses, I spoke with the realtor Sam Ireland. You might remember him as the realtor who moved into a Blatchford home last January. Turns out, the phone number on his website is off by a digit which is why I reached some random guy at first. Anyway, he told me that they hope to have the foundations complete by winter so that the townhouses can be completed by the first half of spring 2022. If they succeed with this, then people can hopefully start moving in during the second half of the spring. How quickly they fill up is dependent partially on how well the pre-sells go over the next few months.
I went for a walk through Blatchford last night. It's looking much better than last time I was there because of the landscaping, and the little signs of life. There are vehicles parked on the streets and the driveways, there's patio furniture, hockey nets on a lawn, and other things that you see in a healthy neighbourhood. There's also a lot of construction going on, which I bet gets annoying for some residents, but they must be glad that more people will be able to live there soon enough. There are two things that look the same as last time I was there: Carbon Busters has not started on their homes (I should really contact them to see where they're at), and the big park with the storm ponds has not received any new aesthetic work. I won't post pictures of them since I want to be smart with the 15 picture limit this site has, so if you want to see what they look like, just scroll up a bit to my last post here. I took a walk through the park last time I visited, and I shared a lot of pictures of it; I think that post also has a picture of the Carbon Busters lot, but it's nothing fancy anyway.

20210807_173537.jpg20210807_175636.jpg20210807_175605.jpg Just to keep you orientated: I took the third and fourth pictures near the end of my loop, but I moved them to the beginning of this post since this is the same building as the one in my second photo.


20210807_174015.jpg Malmo's sales office, which I believe is on the plot of land which they're going to develop.

David Dodge, one of the people quoted in this article, stated that he expects to move into his house this December. It turns out that he bought a home from Carbon Busters. Going off this Facebook post of his, and the interview that he shared in that post, it seems like Carbon Busters is slowly moving ahead with their first set of houses, and we should see work progressing soon. Hopefully they break ground soon, so that they can have the foundation finished by the time snow starts coming down.

GEC Architecture
1w • 1 week ago

Ever wonder how urban living can address the challenges of sustainability, quality, affordability, and modern design all in a single development? Introducing Blatchford Malmö–a new, 25-unit residential community in Edmonton’s Blatchford district, the largest carbon-neutral community in Canada.

Blatchford Malmö’s stacked townhouse and loft units are highlighted throughout the building’s distinct Scandinavian-inspired design, featuring a minimalist expression rooted in simplicity and functionality. Each home is linked by a second-level courtyard, encouraging activity and social connection. Blatchford Malmö is also a model of sustainability, powered by Blatchford’s central geothermal system and featuring green initiatives such as EV chargers with each parking spot.

Developed by Common Ground Properties Ltd. and built by Rescom Inc., Blatchford Malmö is a ‘made in Edmonton’ solution. For more information, visit our blog:


