The larger buildings are starting design. Should see something before the end of the year.

I've been in almost every one of those residences and have to say if it was just 2 people they are ok sizes. the bedrooms are very small. But I do like the roof patios on some of them. The garage suites are pretty nice student residences. a couple f basement suites are good student places as well.
I think with the overall market, things will pick up. Investors from Ontario and BC are looking here (not necessarily good) and there’s more local demand with immigration back up and increasing sprawl becoming less attractive to young buyers.

If there can be offerings under 600, I think things will speed up too. But if it stays 600-750, that’ll slow it a bit. I feel like 30-50 townhomes a year should be possible? Idk. What are you all projecting?
I think with the overall market, things will pick up. Investors from Ontario and BC are looking here (not necessarily good) and there’s more local demand with immigration back up and increasing sprawl becoming less attractive to young buyers.

If there can be offerings under 600, I think things will speed up too. But if it stays 600-750, that’ll slow it a bit. I feel like 30-50 townhomes a year should be possible? Idk. What are you all projecting?
It could go either way.

I think we'll just have to see if sales keep up even with 4% interest rates. If they do, then I'd agree with 30-50/year.
I think with the overall market, things will pick up. Investors from Ontario and BC are looking here (not necessarily good) and there’s more local demand with immigration back up and increasing sprawl becoming less attractive to young buyers.

If there can be offerings under 600, I think things will speed up too. But if it stays 600-750, that’ll slow it a bit. I feel like 30-50 townhomes a year should be possible? Idk. What are you all projecting?

Worth noting that so far I think most (all?) of the ones $600k+ have at least one secondary suite, some with 2. So it's not quite an apples-to-apples comparison with the cheaper units.
As long as the infrastructure is in place, I really think Blatchford takes off at an astronomical pace. I know quite a few people that are interested, however are waiting for the neighborhood to build out a little, as they were nervous about being the first owners in a completely empty area. Even with higher interest rates, I don't think this is affecting many people at this price point. But we shall see...
This is probably a minor thing, but it's something I would really like to see: I live in the neighbourhood just next to Blatchford (Prince Charles) and the separation between these two neighbourhoods is divided by the Via Rail tracks, 121 st, and of course just the fencing that is currently put up. I would kind of like to have a direct connection at the east end of my neighbourhood to be able to walk or bike over to Blatchford, particularly when it's more developed and has commercial nodes, the LRT, and other amenities. Coming down currently to 118 Ave/Kingsway either by car, foot, or bike, is unpleasant, loud, and unsafe to travel through. I see no need for it to be 5-6 lanes

The more I can avoid travelling along 118th/Kingsway, the better.

When I drive by and a via train is parked there, I believe it goes all the way to the end. Although stand to be corrected if someone is more informed on this.
It all depends on demand. Since COVID the trains have been quite short, but pre-Covid in the high season, the trains could be 15-20 cars long (that’s long for a passenger train)

A new (to Blatchford) builder called Crimson Cove will be starting construction of 17 townhomes this year - all of which have been sold already.

Now, I imagine the presales happened mostly before the hikes started (when real estate was going crazy across Canada), but this is still fantastic news. If this kind of momentum keeps up I will feel very confident about the future of this neighborhood.
