@danimori Or at least just use the last names of the people they are nodding to...
@archited Wop May Plaza was part of the original Perkins and Will design, and I wonder if this will still be included in the final plan.. Here is a graphic from a 2014 presentation:

Wop May Plaza.gif
@itom987 Are you kidding?? That hill beside the lake is going to have the best view of the skyline in the entire city, one of the best angles of it and it's so up close!
@itom987 I think your right, it looks like it will be one of the best views to get the full east-to-west skyline shots for sure, (besides a hot air balloon, drone, satellite...). I can't wait to check it out. Missed opportunities as far as the original plan regarding the activities and access to a LAKE which would have been well worth it all if I was in charge. Regardless, phase 1 is flying along nicely now.
Great now I have to go through my photo archives and find that shot I took from beside the Energy centre last year.

But yes there are going to be good vantage points in that park area. I also agree its to bad they did not go with the full lake that was in the original plan.

Last year with just the run off that lake was already a good bird habitat. Even saw a pelican one day.
@itom987 Are you kidding?? That hill beside the lake is going to have the best view of the skyline in the entire city, one of the best angles of it and it's so up close!

Yup, the hill at Griesbach already has great skyline views. The Blatchford hill will be nearly 4 kilometres closer to Downtown, so you can imagine how great of a vantage point it will be!
