NAIT aims to expand to Blatchford in land deal with city

Aerial photo of Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) at 11762-106 St., in Edmonton, Alberta. PHOTO COURTESY CITY OF EDMONTON / POSTMEDIA
The City of Edmonton, the province and Canada’s largest polytechnic are closing in on a significant land deal linked to the Blatchford project.

Mayor Don Iveson cryptically spoke about “protracted negotiations” between the city, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and the province at Wednesday’s council meeting regarding “the opportunity for NAIT to consolidate many of its different campuses to a central location contiguous to their main campus.”

Blatchford, a 217-hectare eco-friendly development on the site of the former Edmonton Airport which, once complete, will be home to up 30,000 residents, borders NAIT to the north and the west.


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Interesting EDC comments in the July 4 minutes:

B.2. Blatchford District Energy (Rezoning Application)
City of Edmonton Christian Felske
P. Spearey read the comments of the Development Planner.

MOVED: M. Figueira
Motion of Support for building only.
SECONDED: S. Kaznacheeva
FOR THE MOTION: F. Cavaliere, M. Figueira, S. Kaznacheeva, A. Rowe, A. Zepp
AGAINST: R. Labonte, C. Craig, W. Sims, T. Antoniuk, D. Deshpande

MOVED: C. Craig Motion of NonSupport.
This site is located within a district envisioned to be holistic, innovative and sustainable, and the Committee is being asked to evaluate a project with no context provided. While the Committee appreciates the significant amount of effort that has been directed to the design of this building, as well as the responsiveness of the Applicant to architectural comments from the preconsultation presentation, it is not possible to adequately evaluate the building with respect to its context because the following points provided in the Applicant’s submission (pages 12) have not been addressed:
● Being sensitive of views and sightlines from within the plaza towards the park area to the north, in terms of building location and orientation, as well as size, form and transparency.
● Being considerate of roofscape appearance as it will be visible from upper stories of the planned future residential building.
● Being sensitive to the public, pedestrianfocused nature of the area.
● Seeking to integrate within the plaza spatially in terms of use.
SECONDED: T. Antoniuk
FOR THE MOTION: R. Labonte, C. Craig, W. Sims, T. Antoniuk, D. Deshpande, A. Rowe, A. Zepp
AGAINST: F. Cavaliere
ABSTAINED: M. Figueira, S. Kaznacheeva
Ward 2: Blatchford development key for northwest Edmonton
Rising from bleak, dirt surroundings, Edmonton’s old airport tower stands sentinel over a development slated to transform about 215 hectares of Ward 2 sandwiched between Kingsway and the Yellowhead.

It’s the last remaining structure on the site, and city officials hope to preserve it as an architectural nod to the land’s former use as a gateway to the north.

Heavy equipment has toiled at the site all summer, installing underground utilities and readying it for the first stage of home construction for a planned 30,000 residents.

On a soggy September morning, the muddy land gives away little of the City of Edmonton’s grand vision for its future.

When it’s finished — in 20 years — Blatchford will include two residential spaces on the east and west side, a town centre, an 80-acre central park and a civic plaza. The city is also aiming for a sustainable, carbon neutral community using 100 per cent renewable energy.

Crews work on the Blatchford Redevelopment Project on a September day in 2017. DAVID BLOOM /POSTMEDIA
Geothermal dispute heats up battle of experts raging over Blatchford

Mark Metzner, left, and Leigh Bond pose for a photo at the Blatchford site in Edmonton. IAN KUCERAK / POSTMEDIA

The development of Blatchford — Edmonton’s signature green community — is running into criticism from within the geothermal industry, and an external “fairness adviser” has been brought in to settle contracting and design concerns.

“We’re satisfied for now,” said Mickie Poon, CEO of general contractor Karlen-Elecom, whose complaint led the city to hire the independent fairness adviser.

The company had wanted to bid on a contract to construct the first phase of Blatchford’s energy system, which will use heat from the ground to keep homes on the former City Centre Airport lands warm.

City officials first ruled the company and its contracted experts were not qualified. After Poon’s complaint, the city hired the fairness adviser and reversed its decision.

The Blatchford issue comes after Edmonton officials spent 18 months trying to improve their procurement system and endured a sobering city audit in September. The city auditor warned poor procedures could be costing the city millions.

Council approved development of Blatchford in July 2014.

Portions of the Blatchford project to be built this winter are expected to be put out to tender within weeks.

Poon believes the procurement was open to bias.

His team first earned a score of just 41 out of 100, including a one out of five for securing as adviser Mark Metzner, a geothermal expert who chaired the committee that wrote the North America-wide standards for geothermal.

It had the whole team upset.

“If I’m a one out of five, who the heck is a two out of five?” said Metzner. “This looks to me like people at city hall circled the wagons because they realize they’re spending way too much money and, if it’s found out, there’s political fallout.”

The city won’t discuss any details specific to this request for qualifications, but branch manager Roxanne Kits said officials have learned a lesson.

“On things that have high public attention, we should always have a fairness adviser,” Kits said, adding they are now working to pre-qualify a list of external advisers to do the job. “We’re always looking at ways to improve.”

Full story:


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Builder selection process begins for Blatchford Redevelopment


November 6, 2017

Phase one of the Blatchford Redevelopment builder selection process starts today with the Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) now open. Twelve parcels are available for builders to express their interest in developing, all residing within Blatchford West. The 12 parcels include various products such as fee-simple townhouses with potential garage suites, condo townhouses, stacked townhouses and mixed-use buildings.

The Blatchford Redevelopment is looking for builders who have a commitment to environmental sustainability, architectural excellence and design innovation, all which match the vision for Blatchford. Applications for the RFEOI can be found at, and will be accepted until Friday, December 8, 2017 at 4:00 PM MST. The second phase of the builder selection, the Invitation for Offers to Purchase, is expected to take place in 2018. This is the first phase of development for the Blatchford Redevelopment, which will span over 20 construction seasons to complete the neighbourhood.

This is a significant milestone for Blatchford, which will be home to one of the largest sustainable redevelopment projects in North America, with up to 30,000 residents eventually calling the neighbourhood home. Blatchford’s vision is a central and sustainable community that puts people first with family-friendly and active modes of transportation at the core.

For more information:

Media contact:
Kristi Bland
Communications Advisor
Edmonton reaches ‘milestone’ as city seeks builders for Blatchford
In what city officials describe as a “significant milestone,” the search has officially begun for the right builders to buy in to the Blatchford redevelopment project.

Crews have been working all summer to build roads and install utilities on the land at the the old City Centre Airport. The city now says it is ready for phase one of the builder selection process.

“This is now getting the builders on board, so it’s very exciting,” Adam Laughlin, Edmonton’s deputy city manager, said on Monday.

Twelve parcels of land in the Blatchford West area will be available for builders to express interest in developing. The land will include townhouses with potential garage suites, condo townhouses, stacked townhouses and mixed-use buildings.

Builders will be asked to tell the city why they think they should be allowed to buy the land to develop.

“What we would ask them to do is to provide information on their ability to deliver on the architectural guidelines, meet the environmental requirements, show that they have some design innovation,” Laughlin said.
Blatchford Redevelopment year in review



December 4, 2017

2017 was a productive year on the Blatchford Redevelopment Project. Over eight thousand metres of water mains, storm and sanitary sewers, and distribution piping for the District Energy Sharing System were installed and 1,400 metres of curb and gutters were constructed. The first portion of paving began this year, with 175 metres being completed. Over 121,000 tonnes of concrete and asphalt were recycled for re-use on the site. This is all in preparation for the development of the first phase of the Blatchford community, Blatchford West.

In early 2018, the first stage of the District Energy Sharing System is expected to start construction. This includes the installation of the geo-exchange field under the future storm pond, and the construction of the first Energy Centre, which will connect to the existing Distribution Piping System, providing the energy for heating, cooling and domestic hot water for the community. Further work that will continue next year includes onsite and furrow landscaping, paving and the entrance features.

The Blatchford Redevelopment Office is currently conducting the first phase of the builder selection process, the Request for Expression of Interest, which closes this Friday, December 8. The first phase contains twelve parcels, for a range of housing types including fee-simple townhouses with potential garage suites, condominium townhouses, stacked townhouses and mixed-use buildings. Negotiations with selected builders will start in the first quarter of 2018.

When the entire Blatchford neighbourhood is complete, it will be home to 30,000 Edmontonians. The Blatchford community provides a unique opportunity to live in a community that puts people first with family-friendly amenities and a focus on active modes of transportation to offer a sustainable lifestyle near the centre of the city.

For more information:
Blatchford Redevelopment Videos

Media contact:
Kristi Bland
Communications Advisor
I know people are rightly concerned with the district energy system, but there are a lot of other potentially great things about this development. The density will be great, and if done right can show how a community that is walkable, has good urban design, has mixed use development, can be attractive to Edmontonians. It hopefully also shows that density doesn't need to be done with huge towers, and people can have homes with a comfortable amount of space fit for families without it being a car oriented development. There hasn't been a lot of push by developers to change the status quo of their development as since people buy into their developments they must obviously be something people want. Hopefully if Blatchford is successful it shows not only that a good dense urban form can be successful, but also encourages greenfield developers to design in a similar way.
Edmonton’s Blatchford area could see residents begin moving in by 2019
Edmonton’s Blatchford area is taking shape and in an update Monday, the City of Edmonton said the project is on pace to see its first residents move in by 2019.

Officials in charge of transforming the former municipal airport lands in the heart of the city say would-be homeowners could start house shopping by next summer.

“We’re on for 2019 as a target for first residents, if the builders are constructing units in the middle of next year — it takes about a year,” Blatchford development manager Mark Hall said.

To the casual observer, it may be difficult to see just how much progress has been made so far. But underground is a different story.


The Blatchford site in central Edmonton on December 4, 2017.
Fletcher Kent, Global News

Work to remove concrete and contaminated soil got underway in 2015, with more than 121,000 tonnes of concrete and asphalt being recycled for re-use on the site.

The city began installing underground utilities in July 2016. Since then, over 8,000 metres of water mains, storm and sanitary sewers, and geothermal pipes were installed and 1,400 metres of curb and gutters were constructed, showing where streets will eventually go.

The first portion of paving began this year, with 175 metres being completed. Aside from that, there’s not much — yet.

“The first stage is all underground,” Hall explained. “All we can basically see of it are some catch basins and fire hydrants right now.

“But next year, we’re going to be on the surface, and we’ll be doing the landscaping and putting in all of the surface work: all of the sidewalks, and curbs and gutters that weren’t done this year will be put on side, and then the builders can move on site to the fully serviced parcels that we’ve created this year.”
Construction update
Last year was another productive year of construction at Blatchford and we are gearing up for a busy 2018!

The construction work in 2017 was focused on getting the site ready for homebuilders in the first phase of development on the west side of the community. Work included connecting Blatchford to existing utilities outside the site and installing underground utilities, including the piping for the District Energy Sharing System, which will provide environmentally-friendly heating, cooling and hot water to the homes. The first portion of paving also began last year with the very first road in Blatchford now complete!

Here are just a few construction highlights from 2017:

  • 8,400 metres of water mains, storm and sanitary sewers and distribution piping for the District Energy Sharing System were installed
  • 1,400 metres of curb and gutter were constructed
  • 121,000 tonnes of concrete and asphalt was recycled for re-use on the site
  • 175 metres of road was paved

What's Next?
The chance to live in Blatchford is getting closer as we continue our builder selection process. Last year, we started a two step competitive process to find builders who share our vision and can deliver beautiful and energy-efficient buildings. We are excited to announce that 27 builders expressed interest in being a part of the first phase of the community. We are now preparing to move forward with the second part of the selection process to secure builders for the very first homes.

Learn more about the first stage of development

At the same time as we move forward with builder selection, we will be continuing construction at the site. This year, work includes installing the geo-exchange field under the future stormwater pond and the construction of the first Energy Centre for the District Energy Sharing System. We will also complete installing utilities, paving roads and building sidewalks in the first stage and will start on the landscaping work.

(via email)
Blatchford Summer 2018 Newsletter

Buying in Blatchford
Blatchford’s builder selection process reached another milestone this summer, as the next stage of the builder selection process started on July 9, 2018.
Over the next two months, participating builders will work on proposals that outline their commitment to sustainable and innovative design, and describe how their planned projects will contribute to an exceptional quality of life in Blatchford. Once builders are selected, future residents will be able to contact builders directly to find out more about building design, pricing and potential move-in dates.

Keep an eye on our newsletter for official builder announcements, and find out more about what the first stage of development will look like here.

Construction Update

Surface work in Blatchford West - Stage One is well underway, with construction work on roads, sidewalks and curbs taking shape. Once complete, Blatchford will have a mix of custom designed streets, sidewalks and boulevards to create a safe and comfortable experience for residents and visitors.

Landscaping work will begin this summer, bringing site amenities to life as pathways and greenery are installed throughout Blatchford West. Community landscaping and park development will continue into 2019 as Blatchford’s exceptional green spaces begin to grow.


Curbs and roads are developing in Blatchford West. This pedestrian walkway will be completed this July, as paving stones are installed along the length of the street, adding to its character.


The roundabout on Alpha Boulevard is taking shape! To celebrate Blatchford’s important aviation history, the centre of the roundabout will have a unique heritage feature.

District Energy Sharing System (DESS) Construction
Blatchford will use three strategies – energy conservation, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources – to minimize the community’s environmental impact and ensure community energy resiliency. A key element to reduce the overall energy demand in the community is the creation of an on-site low carbon energy system. The system, called a District Energy Sharing System (DESS), will provide the energy for heating, cooling and domestic hot water for all buildings in Blatchford.

An integral component of the DESS is a geoexchange system that harnesses the shallow geothermal energy in the soil below the earth’s surface. In the winter, the geoexchange system draws heat from the ground for heating, and in the summer, it uses the ground to reject excess heat to provide cooling.

Underneath the first stormwater pond located beside the central future plaza, construction of the geoexchange field is in progress. Crews are working around the clock to drill the 570 planned boreholes, each reaching up to 150 metres in depth.

Also under construction is the first Energy Centre, which will house the equipment needed for the DESS to operate and provide the very first homes in Blatchford with environmentally friendly heating, cooling and hot water.


Crews are working around the clock to drill the planned 570 boreholes that will provide the first Energy Centre with geothermal energy.


It's hard to believe these small pipes are all that is visible after drilling a geothermal borehole up to 150 metres deep. Pipes will circulate a mixture of water and glycol deep into the earth to absorb or expel heat.


Construction of the first Energy Centre is well underway. Once complete, much of the ground-level mechanical infrastructure will be visible to all through a glass facade.

People First Design

Every element of the first stage has been custom designed to make biking and walking an easy choice. A few of the unique elements designed to enhance life in Blatchford will start to take shape this year, including:

  • Custom designed streets with pedestrian-scale lighting and street furniture.
  • Pedestrian walkways with unique paving and extensive landscaping.
  • Wide, tree-lined boulevards lining all streets.
  • Mid-block walkways to allow residents and visitors to shortcut comfortably between buildings.

Alpha Boulevard will feature fully separated bike lanes lined with trees on both sides for safety and comfort.

Construction of Energy Centre No 1. is well underway, with visible components changing quickly. This will be Blatchford’s first energy centre and will play a key role in the District Energy Sharing System.

Once complete, the energy centre will circulate ambient-temperature water through the distribution piping system installed beneath the Blatchford roadways into the community. Much of the ground-level mechanical infrastructure will be visible to all through a glass facade.


Source & more photos:


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