I guess Cartmell's inquiry about selling off some of the land to private developers as a potential way to speed things up (while still maintaining Blatchford climate/density goals and standards) will not be happening. According to report:

"An exercise calculating the net present value of two scenarios was performed. The first was
based on the current development model. This resulted in a net present value of $38.8 million.
The second analysis is based on a model selling 50 per cent of the remaining land to be
developed to private developers and the other 50 per cent following the current development
model. This results in a net present value of negative $78.2 million. The lower net present
value under the private developer scenario is mainly due to lower revenue from sale of unserviced land to developers. Additional property taxes and reduced future land servicing
costs would not be sufficient to offset the lost revenues and upfront costs incurred by the City."

I'm surprised but then I know nothing about this industry.
Just noticed, it has attached garages? But there is a ramp? So underground private garages I wonder? Neat feature, but there goes the affordability. Although, looks like they are fitting two units on to a plot that fits one elsewhere in the neighbourhood? So might even out.
Just noticed, it has attached garages? But there is a ramp? So underground private garages I wonder? Neat feature, but there goes the affordability. Although, looks like they are fitting two units on to a plot that fits one elsewhere in the neighbourhood? So might even out.
Yea I talked to the sales rep a while back, garages are underground but all private. So like shared lane between then and then they all have garage doors I guess.

pretty ugly and suburban looking… hopefully pricing matches
I've never understood the vertical panels. To me they always look awkward and not very appealing. Wonder if it's just me though as I tend to see them a lot more now, and it is experienced professionals in their field that design these.

pretty ugly and suburban looking… hopefully pricing matches
this appears to be a pretty decent example of what could be called a “missing middle” type project and could be quite lovely if well executed with quality materials and finishes.
Those new townhomes posted here a few days ago and where digging is now beginning on phase one are going to be priced at $465,000. Not sure if gst is included on that.
Once again…..skewed story telling…families to homes. Who cares how many”family’s” call it home? Does Burnaby give stats on how many of those towers sit empty? Bottom line is how many homes are built. Not how many people are occupied by families
