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Here are some pictures I took today. Vehicle traffic is now being redirected closer to the LRT station, but this will be temporary. As you can see by the gutter placement in the first picture, the new road will be in its original spot but (I believe) be made of paving stone or similar materials to match the aesthetic of the rest of the temporary transit plaza. That's certainly the impression I got from the overhead rendering on the detour map on the fence,
Progress on the temporary transit plaza as of today. I'll make a mental note to contact the person from Morguard I spoke with a few months ago; hopefully she'll have more info about the progress on planning for phase one of the redevelopment.
I'll make a mental note to contact the person from Morguard I spoke with a few months ago; hopefully she'll have more info about the progress on planning for phase one of the redevelopment.
She was very friendly and willing to help me, but did not know anything off-hand. So she asked me to send her an email with my questions, and she would pass them on to her manager who knows more. The outcome was disappointing, to say the least. These are the questions I asked:

"Last I heard, there were two parts of the mall under consideration for the first phase of demolition and redevelopment (please see the attached map), and that preliminary design work had started. I am reaching out to hopefully learn whether the specific spot has yet been identified, and how far along the design work is. The temporary transit plaza, which is a city-mandated prerequisite before any further work could commence, is almost complete. So, is the intention to break ground on phase one within the next couple of years? And what would phase one entail — a mixed-use tower or two, or something smaller in scale? Lastly, once work does begin on phase one, would one still be able to get from one end of the mall to the other from inside the mall? Or would the mall become bisected?"

Bonnie Doon Phase One.png

This was the response:

"I asked the management team about your request. The suggestion they had was to check for updates here - https://www.instagram.com/connectbonniedoon/ or https://www.facebook.com/connectbonniedoon/ I realize this hasn’t been updated for a while but I think this is the best place to check for updates. Sorry I presently [don't] have any more updated information."

As she hints at, their social media pages have not been updated since 2019. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see :/
She was very friendly and willing to help me, but did not know anything off-hand. So she asked me to send her an email with my questions, and she would pass them on to her manager who knows more. The outcome was disappointing, to say the least. These are the questions I asked:

"Last I heard, there were two parts of the mall under consideration for the first phase of demolition and redevelopment (please see the attached map), and that preliminary design work had started. I am reaching out to hopefully learn whether the specific spot has yet been identified, and how far along the design work is. The temporary transit plaza, which is a city-mandated prerequisite before any further work could commence, is almost complete. So, is the intention to break ground on phase one within the next couple of years? And what would phase one entail — a mixed-use tower or two, or something smaller in scale? Lastly, once work does begin on phase one, would one still be able to get from one end of the mall to the other from inside the mall? Or would the mall become bisected?"

View attachment 358605

This was the response:

"I asked the management team about your request. The suggestion they had was to check for updates here - https://www.instagram.com/connectbonniedoon/ or https://www.facebook.com/connectbonniedoon/ I realize this hasn’t been updated for a while but I think this is the best place to check for updates. Sorry I presently [don't] have any more updated information."

As she hints at, their social media pages have not been updated since 2019. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see :/
So her manager doesn't know anything either essentially. The VP of development or something was quoted in some news articles. Could always fire her an email and copy the other folks you spoke with previously if you're ambitious. I imagine the response will be something something market conditions, cost of labour, because of COVID.
Taken April 7, 2022


I was talking to someone who told me a gym, don't know which one, is moving into this section of the former Target/Zellers/Sears location at the mall. By the way this is a new entrance that has been added, it is on the south end of the section.
My money is a GoodLife moving in there.
Taken April 7, 2022
View attachment 391135View attachment 391136View attachment 391137
View attachment 391138
I was talking to someone who told me a gym, don't know which one, is moving into this section of the former Target/Zellers/Sears location at the mall. By the way this is a new entrance that has been added, it is on the south end of the section.
View attachment 391151
Oh man, we basically took the same pictures on Thursday haha, I did a round before my shift.
My money is a GoodLife moving in there.
I think it's related to this permit, which was posted somewhere further back in this thread at some point
Reference Id:Job No 402340667-002
Description:To change the Use from a General Retail Store to an Indoor Participant Recreation Services Use; and to construct exterior and interior alterations; and to demolish a portion of an existing mezzanine. (Planet Fitness)
Plan 2224KS Blk 3 Lots A,B,C
Create Date:2021/07/13
Neighbourhood:BONNIE DOON
Issue Date:2021/07/30
Class Of Permit:Class B
Notification Start Date:2021/08/10
Notification End Date:2021/08/31
No erected cranes yet but some minor movement.

Reference Id:Job No 443295494-002
Plan 2224KS Blk 3 Lots A,B,C
Status:Intake - More Info Requested
Create Date:2022/08/08
Neighbourhood:BONNIE DOON
Major Development Permit
Jul 05, 2022
To change the use from Specialty Food Service to Restaurant with 28 seats and 23 m2 Public Space

Also, there is excavation going on near the old Kal Tire garage.

Remediation? Phase 2?
