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thanks but i already own an olympus om2 with tons of glass and lots of accessories as well as a minolta dslr. i just don’t permanently carry them around as part of my man-about-town image grasshopper.
I just wish that you were a bit more consistent with your posts Ken.
I just wish that you were a bit more consistent with your posts Ken.
sometimes consistency is appropriate and sometimes it’s not grasshopper.

i can post kudos to the city when they do something right. i can post quite critically when they do things poorly.

i can do the same when it comes to the province or the federal government or to design or to restaurants or hockey games.

consistent performance will get a consistent comment, good or bad. alternating performance will see alternating responses although that could probably be deemed consistent on my part.

it’s the same with my responses to individual posts. i will respond to the posts, not the poster, which is, as you know, as it should be. where those posts are inconsistent, so will be my responses although that, as noted, is actually inconsistency by the poster, not me.

i will agree with what i agree with and i will call out those things i disagree with as i see fit. if that makes you uncomfortable you’re free to put me on ignore.
hmmm... what are the chances of encountering our intrepid man-about-town taking pictures of a double baconator at wendy’s while giving lessons with his real camera? :)

Now that, is a phone one wishes to have in the looming post-apocalyptic world causes by the perfect storm of income disparity, health crisis, housing crisis, and climate change.

When you are in a Max Max-style convoy, you're best to have a phone that can withstand incidental hits from long-arms rifles, has a 10 day standby life, and the functionality to take low-key photos at the evening's bonfire to capture precious memories.
Excuse me sir, but this thread is about the Brighton Block, not Bright Orange Block.

EDIT: also not to out myself as a youngin', but my best friend had that exact phone in 6th grade and we all thought he was balling out of control, until some rich girl got one of those RED edition KRZRs. Lol.
^ Thanks Ted, getting out to snap some pics is my stress relief apparently, I definitely have fun!
I haven't a pooch to take out for daily walks which would be great too, so my camera will do, thus no poo-poo (a few crap shots here and there in lieu :)
