If we allow that, then we shouldn't complain with 101 centre now should we? For that matter, with all the construction confined in the CBD core, let's wait as long as we can building out and up. Once it is finished, most business will be gone because the construction has caused them their livelihoods due to lack of accessibility and people staying clear.
I'm sure you have my buddy, and I agree there are many alternatives that could be applied. The problem is, some developer will take advantage of that like Mr. Arlington Singh and that could be detrimental is all I'm saying; it definitely makes it difficult for really great, honest and ambitious developers...
Good article - I like how they let Dub explain some of the delays and frustrations. Goes to show that he isn't slow simply because it is him involved. You have to feel bad for the guy to have that generalization applied based on some of the slow progress in the projects he has been involved with.

I'll give Dub credit for taking on some ambitious projects over the years. He knows what he wants out of a project and doesn't settle even if the end result takes a little longer.
I concur, But, unfortunately when you associate with a partner, you become that newly entity therefor he is part of that problem. It is like I was a good kid before I joined the gang...

It is sad as I do respectfully a man that ignited my deep passionate for architecture designing (non career wise). Lets hope he'll rebound, learned from this and adapt. Afterall, his city hall design is being regurgitated out east to south...
From Friday:

Report Permit Date
May 21, 2021
Commercial Final
To change the use of an existing medical treatment building to an apartment building (191 Dwellings) and to construct an addition (20 Dwellings for a total of 211) and to construct interior and exterior alterations - Camsel Apartments.
Construction Value
They are a functional requirement for most as it is often the only light well for the entire floor due to a shoebox design and in many cases no rear exterior wall (although it looks like these might have rear access).
