What do you think of this project?

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A friend's photo with permission
^ Really miss your photo tours as well, and the daily news articles that ceased last March ) :
I'll have to peruse all the back issues, memories!
But I must say, happy to see Skyrise more active and some really sharp contributors in all areas. Group hug 🫂
The old renders looked the same. Since I have heavily paid astute attentions to renders shown vs final production just from the outcome in Edmonton, you should be excited. It will be incredible! From roughly 115 st. traversing west to 124 st. area, the area will augment so differently in 10 years. For the older long -time Edmontonians like me, at times, it is awkwardly to witness such drastic changes as we witnessed stagnation for decades' long from recessions. I'm jovially thrilled with developments, but at times I feel lost since it is just so drastic of changes...
Remember those horrible stucco clad walk up apartments along Jasper Ave. They didn't even face the street.
I'm happy I've never met those. I'm actually super happy that I chose to live where I am. I'll be able to live this area grow and prosper so much, being across the street from the CNIB, 2 blocks from that 121 st tower across from Oliver Exchange, 2 blocks from J123, 4 from Glenora Park...
Not to mention everything that might eventually be built between 113 and 116 streets...
