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Love to watch my baby grow 🥺😍
(Looks like they are currently working on floor 13/32)
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Couldn’t decide where to post this, but CNIB was sinking further down the list than Glenora so...

BTW, in my profile pic you can see my camera that had a proper zoom...but it was stolen last year... I refuse to replace it out of protest (though that’s not gonna change the fact that it was stolen lol). So enjoy my antiquated iPhone zoom for now (2nd photo).
I know initially it was to be the CNIB tower (there was a more significant partnership envisioned with CNIB at one point in time - not sure exactly what came of that), but then changed to 12010 Jasper. Not sure if that 12010 Jasper name was just a placeholder or if that's what they're going with
