Curious if they're finally gonna get a student bar. They wouldn't listen to me when I said it would attract students back in 2014.

At this point, I should take one for the team and pay my grandmother to use her garage as a speakeasy, since she's only two blocks from campus.

Someone make a good name suggestion and I'll get this rolling. No snitching to ALCB AGLC, please.
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Not strictly related to this building, but looks like Concordia is looking to rezone to Urban Institutional Zone (UI) from the current DC2:

Probably makes sense to go with a more flexible zone that was designed for places like this.

Apparently there are currently six UI zones in Edmonton. I know MacEwan and NAIT are two. Not sure what the rest are.
Not strictly related to this building, but looks like Concordia is looking to rezone to Urban Institutional Zone (UI) from the current DC2:

Probably makes sense to go with a more flexible zone that was designed for places like this.

Apparently there are currently six UI zones in Edmonton. I know MacEwan and NAIT are two. Not sure what the rest are.
I would guess that the U of A South Campus, Norquest and the U of A main campus would be 3 of the 4 that are missing. Not sure what the last one would be. Maybe the U of A main campus is split in two
I would guess that the U of A South Campus, Norquest and the U of A main campus would be 3 of the 4 that are missing. Not sure what the last one would be. Maybe the U of A main campus is split in two

U of A and its campuses are all AJ (Alternate Jurisdiction IIRC). Norquest is UW (Urban Warehouse).

Hospital expansions might also fall into that zoning classification.

The hospitals I looked at are all US (Urban Services).

This is a fun game. 😁
Introducing the brand-new fun party game to bring out the inner urban enthusiast in you: Guess-That-Zone!
U of A and its campuses are all AJ (Alternate Jurisdiction IIRC). Norquest is UW (Urban Warehouse).

The hospitals I looked at are all US (Urban Services).

This is a fun game. 😁
Did a bit of sleuthing on, and the UI zoning bylaw, and decided I'd jump from reader to member and post what I found, haha!

I was able to find the following UI zoned areas:
  • Grant MacEwan Downtown Campus
  • The old Grant MacEwan West Jasper parcel
  • Concordia University (a small area with 3 parcels bordering 112 Ave / 73 St, not their current application)
  • NAIT Main campus
I thought maybe NAIT's property along Gateway Blvd or their one time plan around the Henday / Ellerslie area may have it, but none did. So we're still missing 2 more UIs! Unless the fact that NAIT's main campus is a few larger parcels (it looks like on the City's map, anyway) makes NAIT's main campus be 3 instances of UI?
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At this point, I should take one for the team and pay my grandmother to use her garage as a speakeasy, since she's only two blocks from campus.

Someone make a good name suggestion and I'll get this rolling. No snitching to ALCB AGLC, please.
I'm a little late to the party on responses, but how about "The Outfall". lol

Or is the Goldbar Treatment plant a LITTLE too far out of range for this to be relevant?
Permit Type
Major Development Permit
Permit Class
Class A
Permit Date
Jun 11, 2021
Description of Development
To demolish an existing building and portions of an existing surface parking lot with all associated above and below ground site services; and to construct and operate a new Public Education Services Use building (New Academic Building) with an underground parkade; and to construct an addition (including connecting pedway bridge) to the existing Public Education Services Use building (Student Quadrangle). (Concordia University)
Anyone know who the GC is?
