What do you think of this project?

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The quickest connection for me to the pedway system is the Connect Centre main entrance, up the stairs and it goes right past these two bays. I didn't even realize they were there.

Probably ideal for something like medical, personal services, etc. What's missing in ICE?
What's missing in ICE?
How much time do you have?

-insurance agencies
-tax preparation companies
Personally I want that PlantLife pot shop moved upstairs to one of those 2 bays and allow a cafe (e.g. Blenz, Deville or Starbucks) or a fast food outlet (e.g. A&W) to open in its place.
I'd be OK with a cafe and fast food outlet in those 2 bays.
A Starbucks you could actually walk into from the street - what a concept! Blenz would be great to and I would love A&W to be back close to where they once were for a long time.
Wasn’t Starbucks interested in opening up at the base of Stantec? I know they shelved their original plans because of Covid but I thought they had shown interest in opening there again recently.
Weren’t these spaces part of a planned, or hopeful, food court at one point? I also thought there were more than just two bays, but guess I was wrong.
Weren’t these spaces part of a planned, or hopeful, food court at one point? I also thought there were more than just two bays, but guess I was wrong.

Are you thinking about the food hall at Stantec? I don't recall a food court planned at the Connect Centre.
Adidas Store
Wasn’t Starbucks interested in opening up at the base of Stantec? I know they shelved their original plans because of Covid but I thought they had shown interest in opening there again recently.

Starbucks only does standalone + drive-thrus now (with some exceptions).
Adidas Store

Starbucks only does standalone + drive-thrus now (with some exceptions).

With Lululemon even leaving Whyte Ave location, I don't think they would have lasted that long in Ice District.

Does anyone know why they left? A friend asked someone in that store and the reply was they were having too many problems with the 'clientele' in the area. Have no idea if that's true.
I kinda wish Starbucks just stayed open in the arena, that was convenient for me.

Lulu is doing their largest store in the chain in WEM. It is also their highest grossing store period. My guess is just consolidation/efficiencies.
