What do you think of this project?

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Could have something to do with the rental real-estate market as well. Augustana doesn't look like its too full which is their property. The hat doesn't look very full. Housing market under 500k booming right now. Maybe they are re-thinking their strategy?
On the same token, I also wouldn't overreact the OTHER way just because of my comment based on a conversation with a contractor on the job...haha.

But yes, between construction costs increasing every 2 weeks, and a very tough housing market to predict in the short & long term, I would be cautious of treating any project as a go before construction kicks into high gear...regardless of the status of approvals & permits.
Don't think it is an Edmonton phenomena. When America is about to financially sink, no investors are feeling rosy these days. Since our economy is so USA influenced...
Ehhh? Markets are at ATH right now.

On the same token, I also wouldn't overreact the OTHER way just because of my comment based on a conversation with a contractor on the job...haha.

But yes, between construction costs increasing every 2 weeks, and a very tough housing market to predict in the short & long term, I would be cautious of treating any project as a go before construction kicks into high gear...regardless of the status of approvals & permits.
True. As we all know, the permit/preconstruction phases take forever. That said, if this is the contractor doing demolition/excavation, there may be cause for concern. Haha.
OK... I'm curious how stock markets could be at an all time high when the whole globe was KO by COVID while most western nations are still in lockdown mode. The only country with positive GDP in 2020 of 2.8% was China when everyone else saw negatively declines. USA has nearly 29 trillion national debt with 86 trillion over all debt (all shown on the world debt clock). This does not include debt bonds other nations such as China (roughly 1 trillion) or Japan ( 1 trillion+) currently hold. If they sell those off. There are also stimulus debts to be tallied into the overall debts. Massive homelessness and on tle rise amongst other systemic issues. Stocks are for wealthier people, primarily the 10%, and they're not the true indicators imo.
OK... I'm curious how stock markets could be at an all time high when the whole globe was KO by COVID while most western nations are still in lockdown mode. The only country with positive GDP in 2020 of 2.8% was China when everyone else saw negatively declines. USA has nearly 29 trillion national debt with 86 trillion over all debt (all shown on the world debt clock). This does not include debt bonds other nations such as China (roughly 1 trillion) or Japan ( 1 trillion+) currently hold. If they sell those off. There are also stimulus debts to be tallied into the overall debts. Massive homelessness and on tle rise amongst other systemic issues. Stocks are for wealthier people, primarily the 10%, and they're not the true indicators imo.
Can we just not talk about systemic off topic issues in development threads? Make a thread for it in the appropriate sub forum if you feel the need to go deep on it.
Took this at lunch on my walk - parked behind the 114 St building. Wishful thinking on my part that something may be happening soon? Could be for Jasper Ave work.

Chemco unit, probably for some sort of utility/infrastructure work
I also walk this block often during lunch, Chemco vehicles have been around the sites in the law few weeks, also saw ATCO at the 116th NW building today
I hope we'll see some movement on this soon. This sort of development is just what is needed along Jasper Avenue. I was driving through the area a few weeks ago admiring the progress on CNIB and Glenora Park, and the thing that struck me most was the distinct lack of substantial buildings fronting onto Jasper Avenue between about 112 and 119 Streets. This project will really help to give that stretch of Jasper Avenue the proper big city feel it needs.
