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Wow. Good to heard. Seems like there are active development plans for all portions of the former Ed Motors site. And the fact that it's being managed by 3 different groups gives more optimism to development occuring in a tighter timeline (vs. staged multiphase dev if one group were to proceed).
@Grandinite well look at you putting on your sleuthing HAT.

But yeah with that sign there it seems likely.

Cidex indeed purchased 11525 Jasper Ave last January (2019). Bet they will start moving on that site once The Hat at Five Corners is all wrapped up and they break ground on their 124 St. (McElheran's Furniture) project.
Cidex indeed purchased 11525 Jasper Ave last January (2019). Bet they will start moving on that site once The Hat at Five Corners is all wrapped up and they break ground on their 124 St. (McElheran's Furniture) project.

That's interesting I figured the Wheaton Group would have developed that site since it's so central. Maybe they know something we don't, I would wonder about the ground contamination after that being used as a mechanic shop for the past 60+ years. It wasn't until about 30 or so years ago that they started disposing of waste fluids responsibly.
@StopDropandLOL, if I am not mistaken, the Wheaton Group and the Wolfe family holdings that included Edmonton Motors are two distinct and separate entities. The Wolfe family has a stake in this proposal and probably decided to sell the other property on Jasper not wanting to bite off more than they could chew. That Cidex bought it bodes well for development (I believe). To your point, it would have been nice to see a two-block long integrated development -- Wolfe obviously preferred the cash.
@StopDropandLOL, if I am not mistaken, the Wheaton Group and the Wolfe family holdings that included Edmonton Motors are two distinct and separate entities. The Wolfe family has a stake in this proposal and probably decided to sell the other property on Jasper not wanting to bite off more than they could chew. That Cidex bought it bodes well for development (I believe). To your point, it would have been nice to see a two-block long integrated development -- Wolfe obviously preferred the cash.

I worked there for several years, and from what I understood, the President of the Wolfe Auto Group's Aunt was the one who owned the showroom, and she sold the building to Pangman. I'm not sure if the lease rates were jacked up but Bob Wolfe always said the move to the West End was something that should have happened long ago before it actually did. Wheaton Group owned the building and land that housed the Parts Department and Service Department but to what extent I don't know, and the history behind it I don't know either. I think the original owners kids all got stake in the each piece with the estate when he died, and I don't think they all got along with one another. That's what I've heard, but it's all heresy until confirmed by a member of the family.
@StopDropandLOL I had several conversations with Harrison Wolfe a couple of years ago, exchanged some emails, etc., trying to see if we couldn't put together a group to invest in the Edmonton Motors land and develop a major project. At the time he was being rather coy about prospects of selling -- he ended up being one of the partners in the Pangman venture (I'm guessing that he did not sell the land where this development is set to go but, rather, put it into the pot as his investment). As to the other sites, I think that we are in agreement that they were all sold -- you would know better than I if the Wheaton Group was a cog in that transaction.
@StopDropandLOL attached is the final email that I received from Harrison Wolfe... note the date in the upper right corner.
Final HW email.png
