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Just walked by this one the other day, lots of homeless just sitting on the concrete in front of the unleased retail bays, plenty of broken windows right now. I think it makes the whole city seem like a bad investment when a developer who takes a risk to build a nice looking building here is absolutely burned by it.

Adding further to the existing burden of the Quarters by turning this into transitional housing is just absolutely crazy, would turn this once beacon of change and improvement for the Quarters into an emblem of the city's continued abject failure to make the area more livable and vibrant.
My sentiments exactly. The City failed to motivate developers to develop the vacant lots in the area and that building could not survive the deluge of homeless people around it - alone with no active retail and residential. Sad.
I cannot see this being one of those transitional housing projects and if so wow...

It was perception over reality with this property for it has nicer rooms than the Westin and other 'business hotels' with better amenities than most and amazing views. That stretch is far from that for people in the know but the reputation and lack of understanding of the area by Edmontonians partially a death knell. Sadly, it was an island and did not know how to swim.
lack of understanding of the area by Edmontonians partially a death knell
What lack of understanding are you referring to? Because again after my most recent walk I think Edmontonian's negative understanding of the area appears to still largely correspond with the area's unfortunate reality.
What lack of understanding are you referring to? Because again after my most recent walk I think Edmontonian's negative understanding of the area appears to still largely correspond with the area's unfortunate reality.

Jasper from that hotel to 97st is far better than it was a decade or two ago. We demolished, removed, relocated and eviscerated so much in the area that it is markedly different, even with continued street issues here and there.

I would argue that at times 101st or even 104st beside the Holiday Inn/Comfort Inn are worse.
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Using the convention centre as a homeless shelter just made a bad situation worse.
As a temporary measure it made pretty decent sense, the convention centre was going unused and homeless camps were growing. I absolutely get it.

However if the city tries to purchase this hotel or any other buildings in the Quarters to convert into more permanent transitional housing they'll be actively contributing in turning the whole area into a slum. What total suckers Cidex must be feeling like investing in The Hat at 5 Corners and buying the city's BS about revitalization.
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As a temporary measure it made pretty decent sense, the convention centre was going unused and homeless camps were growing. I absolutely get it.

However if the city tries to purchase this hotel or any other buildings in the Quarters to convert into more permanent transitional housing they'll be actively contributing in turning the whole area into a slum. What total suckers Cidex must be feeling like investing in The Hat at 5 Corners and buying the city's BS about revitalization.
Exactly my thoughts. City planning sold CIDEX on the potential but failed to deliver on moving other projects in the Quarters forward. Edmonton needs some business savvy people on City Council that wont be washed by City planning. Enough with the panderers and social engineers on Council and in City planning. Putting homeless in the Quarters will send a powerful message that the Quarters is for social housing period. I am living out of country right now but maintain a residence in the core. I have lived in Edmonton my entire life and in the core for 25 years. I know my city and I know the Quarters before it was the Quarters ... seeing it return to what we called skid row when I grew up will be sad to see.
I would argue that at times 101st or even 104st beside the Holiday Inn/Comfort Inn are worse.
Having walked past 104 St. by the Holiday Inn as part of my morning walk to work the last 4 years or so I'm going to have to very strongly disagree. While that little park just north of the holiday inn sometimes has some sketchy people hanging out in there, the feeling of urban decay walking down the embarassment that they call the Armature is on a whole other level in my experience.
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Having walked past 104 St. by the Holiday Inn as part of my morning walk to work the last 4 years or so I'm going to have to very strongly disagree. While that little park just north of the holiday inn sometimes has some sketchy people hanging out in there, the feeling of urban decay walking down the embarassment that they call the Armature is on a whole other level in my experience.
Having lived off of 104/100 for 15 years and walked there regularly I have had more issues on that stretch than the multiple times I have walked around the armature, stayed at the hotel myself and or picked up folks staying there to walk for dinner.
Jasper from that hotel to 97st is far better than it was a decade or two ago. We demolished, removed, relocated and eviscerated so much in the area that it is markedly different, even with continued street issues here and there.

I would argue that at times 101st or even 104st beside the Holiday Inn/Comfort Inn are worse.
you could argue it until you're blue in the face but you'd be wrong.

i can tell you that the last while is worse than it was two years ago and that was worse than it was five years ago, and that was worse than it was ten years ago and that was worse than it was twenty years and that was worse than it was thirty years ago...

do you discern a trend here? it's been downhill since canada place was built and disconnected it from downtown. you can chart the slide from there with other landmarks being the loss of the city market, and the continuing demolition or abandonment of existing stock from housing to the edmonton springs building to the gem theatre to allowing the feds to replace the rcmp building with a prison to closing streets for years at a time... i could on but at some point there's probably a post word limit.

finding a single corner that is worse and comparing it to an entire neighborhood is what-about-ism at it's worse. and one of the things that is worse about downtown (and i consider both the quarters and the north edge as well as oliver to be part of downtown) is everything gets excused because "something else is worse". and we keep chasing the next shiny penny to fix the problem no matter what it cost (ie the horn and pitfield building).

and even if you're right with your selective something else, it's still no excuse. it's like being hung out to dry no matter where you are because someone can always find something worse.

i still have high hopes for the area - and there are more than a few of us who are heavily vested and invested in it - and we're there every day and every night but sometimes we feel like charlie brown trying to kick lucy's football.
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I really wonder what will happen when the LRT stop in the quarters opens up. I really hope that when that happens there will be more "eyes on the street" and the interest in the area will increase with commuters now passing that way on a daily basis. Also when 96st next to the hotel is no longer a dead end that hopefully will help and when 97st is also open again life can somewhat return to the area.
I think there needs to be something to draw people into the area. Empty lots, no retail and one lone new hotel do not a a renaissance make.

There is a huge convention centre in the area, but not even one souvenir or convenience store along the way. No restaurants, movie theatres, etc.

What was there before, while not spectacular, was at least something that could be improved on. Now it is a sterile dead zone and the only people who have reason to spend much time are the down and out crowd.
