The dog park is scheduled to open on July 27.

These photos come with a built-in slow clap for our yet again stalled CBD...feels like it will always remain unfinished and full of holes. That corner lot south and in front of EPCOR bothers me more than any other empty lot in this city, though, so that could be why I'm feeling moody.
You might like (or cry because of) these passive-aggressive pictures I took that same day...
These photos come with a built-in slow clap for our yet again stalled CBD...feels like it will always remain unfinished and full of holes. That corner lot south and in front of EPCOR bothers me more than any other empty lot in this city, though, so that could be why I'm feeling moody.
if you were aware of some of the plans for that parcel that didn't get the support they deserved you would be even more moody...
101/104 has the potential to become Edmonton's densest and most prominent downtown corner, and's barren on three sides...
Yes, it is a good location and I think that potential remains. However, we may have to wait a while for it to be realized and of course have waited quite a while already.

I think this location is one that lends itself to a bigger development, the kind that tend to happen when the economy is more solid than now.
