What do you think of this project?

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Interesting framing of the development by that author to place so much emphasis on the sea can aspect. Kind of an injustice to the overall development but of course incendiary titles like that generate clicks.

Once again, everyone please avert your eyes from the comment section of that article.

However, if you're a bit of a masochist, here are some samples below:
What a joke that something like this would even be considered. Gateway has been a mess for a long time with auto wreckers and all kinds of unsightly businesses. Keep cleaning it up. Don't regress.

Park space vs more commercial clutter. A repurposed shipping container is just that. It is a poor idea for Whyte Avenue, perhaps it will work in New Sarepta (with a nod to Yardley Jones).
Isn't End of Steel next to Gateway Blvd. and Sask. Drive?

Yes, but much larger and quieter (in my experience) because of it. It's also adjacent to Strathcona Park. The park is actually quite underutilised considering it's size and the views from it and the fact it's in a more residential section of Gateway Boulevard
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Interesting framing of the development by that author to place so much emphasis on the sea can aspect. Kind of an injustice to the overall development but of course incendiary titles like that generate clicks.

Once again, everyone please avert your eyes from the comment section of that article.

However, if you're a bit of a masochist, here are some samples below:
What a joke that something like this would even be considered. Gateway has been a mess for a long time with auto wreckers and all kinds of unsightly businesses. Keep cleaning it up. Don't regress.

Park space vs more commercial clutter. A repurposed shipping container is just that. It is a poor idea for Whyte Avenue, perhaps it will work in New Sarepta (with a nod to Yardley Jones).
Park space? They *have* seen it, right? Is an empty lot with some weeds a park in their eyes?
^proof that NIMBYs will use any justification they can think of. I don't even get why people would care here, it's already a high traffic corridor with plenty of businesses, and having a higher concentration of businesses is actually good for existing businesses, so I don't know why OSBA would care either. It's not like someone is proposing a business in a "quiet" neighborhood where the new development will "ruin the character", or whatever normal thing they're worried about.
Park space? They *have* seen it, right? Is an empty lot with some weeds a park in their eyes?
Not gonna lie, before reading through the posts on this thread I didn’t even know this was considered a park “space”.

I just thought it was some oversight by the city and an ignored plot of land. NIMBY’s gonna NIMBY I guess.
"Park space" is being overly generous. There is grass and a tree. It was really just a small space left over from when there was a rail line and not yet developed.

However, it is a very busy area with such a variety of people (including the nightlife crowd), I don't see it as a spot where people would want to linger or where plants would thrive.
  • ● Development of an 11 metre (approximately 3 storey) commercial development north of the historic station; and
  • ● Development of a 28 metre (approximately 7-8 storey) residential building south of the historic station with surface parking retained at ground level and up to 125 dwellings above.
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Speaking of that park space just north of the property -- its designation as municipal reserve land is being proposed to be removed tomorrow to allow the City to lease the property to a commercial entity.


It will be still zoned as park space for those 5 years and can be reinstated if applied for. From the above document are the permitted/discretionary uses:

Permitted - Community Recreation Services - Outdoor Participant Recreation Services - Public Park - Special Event - Urban Garden
Discretionary - Market; - Restaurants, for less than 100 occupants and 120m2 of Public Space - Specialty Food Services, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
