What do you think of this project?

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This is all assuming that the project has stalled and is up for sale -- a rather irresponsible rumor (I wonder who started that... hmmm). A reminder that we are just now staggering out from under COVID and Edmonton WILL be the strongest development market in Canada for the foreseeable future (no matter what negative prognosticators might wish to dish).
Oh ok……so just like that eh? So matter of factly? Obviously a new version alas with a name finally. How long did you know about this? I’m thinking it’s a fairly new tender and once again, you MUST know something about its time lines? Or else…….
It looks very handsome. Clean design, nice use of contrasting colour. Looks to have a 2 story podium. I like the smaller south tower setback off the podium - it should give more of a streetwall feel. Considering that the North exposure appears to have generous percentage of glazing I suspect South will too, which is good news. Should look very sharp.
