What do you think of this project?

  • Total voters
March 7th
2021-03-07 328.JPG

2021-03-07 329.JPG
The doors are also extra wide -- my guess is for vehicle entry (maybe for the hardened criminal types with gang affiliations; or it could be so that judges called in from their motor vacations -- movacay -- can just drive their RVs right into the courtroom; or it could be for kangaroo court applications so those hop-a-lots don't bang their noggins on the door frame as they bound in or out).
There's a dedicated prisoner loading area in the parkade accessed from the south of the building. They have multiple doors that close behind everyone before prisoners can be unloaded and it's completely enclosed to keep people safe. The large doors are probably for moving in large equipment, like lifts and elevated work platforms, since there's limited access to the main floor.
I don't hate the design but I dislike how uninviting and opaque it is versus the previous 'atrium'.


Whoever is in charge of this should be shot and sent home to mama. I really wish Stephen Mandel would come back to City Hall because his "no more crap" is being ignored by Iveson and company. Enough is enough!
I could take or leave either atrium honestly, although I think the new one matches the brutalist style of the building better.

Whoever is in charge of this should be shot and sent home to mama. I really wish Stephen Mandel would come back to City Hall because his "no more crap" is being ignored by Iveson and company. Enough is enough!
Jesus, over-reaction much? You don't have to like it but why should that happen to the person in charge of this project??
A courthouse fitting for a Red Deer or something similar. This has been embarrassment for decades......
