It's not a train anymore, it's a bus service as per the Mass Transit Plan that went to Council recently.
Which is a major downgrade imo.
I think the Capital Region Transit and Edmonton Transit could partner on transit service to Leduc/Edmonton International Airport.
It's not a train anymore, it's a bus service as per the Mass Transit Plan that went to Council recently.
Not a very ambitious plan, is it? I hope its not a harbinger of the approach the city will take over the next few years.

After the previous Mayor and City Council which started with some ambition and enthusiasm, but ran out of steam, I hope its not back to cautious mediocrity.

I do believe our city is well positioned for great things in the future sometimes the only thing holding us back seems to be a lack of confidence in those who lead it.
In a motion by Sohi, council's urban planning committee agreed to re-allocate the metro line project out to castle downs as a phase one project along with the south expansion that was already prioritized. That will be spoken to at council next week to accept or defeat.

One of the arguments Sohi made was NW was promised this for 30ish years now and city needs to act on that promise. As well, knowing that LRT can help boost density, having this project proceed can help further densify the northwest.

Might as well ask for funding for both!
In a motion by Sohi, council's urban planning committee agreed to re-allocate the metro line project out to castle downs as a phase one project along with the south expansion that was already prioritized. That will be spoken to at council next week to accept or defeat.
I can't listen to the audio right now, but the motion just mentions putting it in "phase one of the mass transit plan" for a city of 1.25 million people. You're saying that even though it just mentions the transit plan, "phase one" means they'll actually try to expedite it? That's very exciting!!
The point being with the funds available at this time the extension south of Ellerslie road will generate more value with a hospital, town centre and a high school, which is already built, generating significant ridership. The density in that area is already very high and will far surpass any neighbourhood in Castle Downs.
If density is the issue, the City needs to start acting on that now. Allow lot splitting, garage suites, and other density in more places than just the "Mature Neighbourhoods", focus policy on densifying in and around commercial areas, and areas around future stations (including walkable commercial). The NW is low density because that's all it's allowed to be, but we can start building density now to help justify the line. Uptake will likely be low initially due to the desirability of the area and competition with greenfield and other infill, but having the policy in place for once the line is built could help create the foundation needed for the Cities ridership and community goals.
I can't listen to the audio right now, but the motion just mentions putting it in "phase one of the mass transit plan" for a city of 1.25 million people. You're saying that even though it just mentions the transit plan, "phase one" means they'll actually try to expedite it? That's very exciting!!
My question was answered - it's not known yet.

"It wasn’t determined which of the two LRT lines would receive funding first when it becomes available from senior levels of government, but the previous council earmarked the Metro Line as next in the queue."

Now to get the the feds and province on board with funding in the next 3-5 years.
Feds is easy, but I doubt we~ll see the province commit to anything big for Edmonton. Our best bet is oust the United Calgary party of the provincial government in 2023 and hope we can get something going on for us.
