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Sep 22, 2015
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Four years sitting mostly empty, future of old Remand Centre still unclear
The future of downtown Edmonton’s old Remand Centre still remains a question after sitting mostly empty for four years.

But even with the old jail’s dark past and unclear future, groups have suggested the centre become an arts space, hospice or home to affordable housing units. Some have even wanted it demolished.

The latest suggestion is to see the Remand Centre — which closed in April 2013 in favour of a new facility in the north end — be renovated to become an Indigenous Welcome Centre that offers multiple services.

“A lot of people are moving off reserve and coming to Edmonton. It can be quite the culture shock,” explained Sharon Pasula, an Indigenous cultural and educational helper who is a member of the Boyle Street Community League.

Pasula said the centre could offer support for urban Indigenous people, including cultural teachings, harm-reduction services and supportive housing.

“The identity and livelihood of Indigenous people has been taken away,” she said, referencing the residential school system that dismantled Indigenous families, the ‘60s scoop, and the poorly honoured treaties.

Still no sign of transformation for Edmonton's former downtown remand centre
An Edmonton city councillor wants to see the mothballed remand centre in the city’s downtown demolished.

Four years after prisoners were moved from the facility to its high-tech replacement in suburban northwest Edmonton, the building remains mostly unused while the province continues to mull its options.

“Ideally, I would like to see it knocked down and something new resurrected on the site,” said downtown Coun. Scott McKeen. “There have been a lot of proposals, but how expensive would it be to retrofit?”

Past suggestions for the provincial facility have included turning it into artists’ spaces, affordable housing or a homeless shelter.

While McKeen said he wouldn’t object to a housing project, he wants to avoid adding another outreach-only centre for Edmonton’s vulnerable population to the area.

“I know (Chinatown business owners) will be extremely skeptical if the remand (centre) gets used for outreach and social services again,” McKeen said. “We need to do proper permanent housing facilities.”

I know some people who are interested in taking on the structure as a storage facility... seems a shame to demolish the structure. Also, it could be redeveloped as part of a more expansive scheme.
'It would look very different:' Boyle Street eyes old Remand Centre as site for proposed wellness centre
The old Edmonton Remand Centre would be “radically repurposed” if Boyle Street Community Services were to take over, says Julian Daly, as the organization pushes to possibly turn the vacant building into a new wellness centre for inner city residents.

“It would look very different,” said Daly, the organization's executive director, who was in Vancouver Thursday touring that city’s re-purposed remand centre to see if the idea could work in Edmonton.

The organization is pushing for what they call a wellness centre that offers a range services to help people who are homeless get off the street, including housing and medical programs.

While the location is still up for debate, the idea is gaining steam in the city.

Mayor Don Iveson plans to introduce a motion Tuesday that would task city staff with partnering with the province, police and community groups to prepare an ‘inner city wellness plan.’

The group would have to develop a ‘firm proposal’ for a community wellness centre that would transition clients into supportive housing and treatment programs, according to Iveson’s motion.


Claire Theobald‏ @ClaireTheobald 26 minutes ago
'Radical' redevelopment of old #yeg remand building by @BoyleStreet discussed at police commission, would see 16 partners under one roof


YEG_PoliceCommission‏ @YEG_Commission 34 minutes ago
The Edmonton Remand Centre is being looked at as a potential home for these services and housing. Presentation available at http://bit.ly/2zJbWzL Remand Centre allows police to bring people over through tunnels to detox centre. Centre will also provide collaborative services.
'They can be safe': Boyle Street eyes old Remand Centre for new service centre


Rendering of the former Remand Centre as the new community centre.

Boyle Street Community Services has their eye on the former Edmonton Remand Centre for their new community centre, which they envision as a one-stop shop for inner city supports.

Although they submitted a proposal to the provincial government six weeks ago, they officially presented it publicly at the Edmonton Police Commission public meeting on Thursday, at their request.

Edmonton Police Service Chief Rod Knecht said they were impressed with the proposal to consolidate services like detox, mental health and healthcare for the homeless, all in one place at a repurposed Remand Centre.

The site would also offer a central location for supervised consumption services.

“It has a lot of things that we as a police service has advocated for, probably the last five years,” he said. “The homeless, the addicted, the mentally ill, we wanted to keep them out of the criminal justice, it’s a concept I find it very interesting.”

The top floor of the building would house 100 people, with the areas below offering services like a 24-hour shower and laundry, and drop-in centre facilities. That way "people don’t have to be vulnerable out on the streets at night. They can be safe,” said Julian Daly, executive director of Boyle Street Community Services.

The new centre would also offer healing and services to those still experiencing trauma whether directly or intergenerationally from residential school system.

“We feel that it’s an act of reconciliation in action… we also want to have private space where there is opportunity for ceremony right at the heart of the city,” Daly said. “In many ways both in terms of actions and services, in design, culture is honoured and needs of many Indigenous people will be met completely.”


In Photos: How old Remand Centre could be transformed into Edmonton wellness centre
