I hope the gov’t quickly makes the decision to auction/sell the property immediately upon demo.
I know of several bidders who were interested in purchasing the building as is. This looks like another Coliseum boondoggle to me where government agents are interested in spending a ton of money on demolition and only making up a portion of that expense in future land sales -- I don't think the land specifically is all that valuable and will probably sit vacant for some time.
Initial thoughts are that I'm happy this major eyesore will soon be gone.

I was giving serious thought on this site possible being the future home for a new courthouse tower similar to Calgary. However, I'm not sure if that's even realistic given that the site isn't even all that big and is an "awkward" lot despite being in a relatively good location for a courthouse. It also raises the question about what would happen with the current courthouse. It would be in the tens of millions to tear the bunker down (or repurposing it) and given its prominent location beside city hall I don't think anyone is interested in tearing it down and leaving it vacant for god knows how many years.

Sadly I think the lot will remain "for sale" for quite awhile and just add to downtown's endless list of empty vacant lots waiting for someone to take a chance on it.
I know of several bidders who were interested in purchasing the building as is. This looks like another Coliseum boondoggle to me where government agents are interested in spending a ton of money on demolition and only making up a portion of that expense in future land sales -- I don't think the land specifically is all that valuable and will probably sit vacant for some time.
Cop shop parking?
Yup this will be a parking lot for some time. The new courthouse (If we ever get one) will be across from the Police station.

Maybe the GoA can subsidize the partial demo. Take it down to its structure.

I don see it as a social housing facility. As a friend pointed out, it has the stink of oppression.

Over the years I have worked in there on renos. there is a lot of structural components that will take time to remove.
I will put $5 on a new court building/tower.
That was my thought as well. Tear this down, build a new courthouse and then see what you can sell the old courthouse parcel for, either for re-purposing if it's in good enough shape for something, or as a tear down where the land itself is likely worth more than the old Remand location.
I prefer the idea of this being turned into a transportation hub with intercity rail upstairs connected to LRT below. The courthouse can take up one of the large swaths of parking south of 103A Ave across from police station.
With the Coliseum demo and now the Remand… anyone want to start a concrete recycling biz with me? Lol
The optimist in me hopes that once this is torn down, we see development on the site within a few years, or sooner.

The pessimist in me sees this site sitting un-developed for many years.

Let the optimist side of me come out Edmonton!
We are slow to tear down the things we should and fast to tear down those that we shouldn't, but we we seem to excel in creating empty lots that linger downtown.

Hopefully something will be built or developed fairly quickly.
I will put $5 on a new court building/tower.
I am almost tempted - the cynic in me says easy money. However, it would be a very logical use of the site.

Of course the provincial government isn't logical very often and if you know who remains premier after the election, I think it might be another decade for a new court house or hospital here.
