What do you think of this project?

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I hope that a councillor asks what is their B plan for a station in the area if there are bodies found through the radar. The B plan should be known upfront.
Forget the gondola, they'd have to go back to the drawing board with the entire Rossdale ARP if they want to do this all correctly.
I think if the old power plant is a problem, what about the City's plan for fixing it up?

There have been reports about how much the coliseum costs per year to keep it in its present state.

Does anyone know what yearly costs are for the power plant and what the city has spent thus far on it?
  • Prairie Sky Gondola announced a Cree name for its project on Aug. 12, saying that âsowahonân — which translates to “crossing of the river” — was chosen in a traditional naming ceremony last April. Coun. Aaron Paquette was critical of the announcement over the weekend. “Today I witnessed a corporation take advantage of what is normally considered a sacred ceremony, a ceremony that many Indigenous people do not have access to due to the impacts of colonization, in the most cynical way possible and without certain permissions,” he tweeted. “It is unsettling.” Proposed land agreements between the City of Edmonton and Prairie Sky Gondola will be considered after executive committee heard from dozens of speakers last week about the project, many of whom spoke in opposition.
Anyone know what time discussion happens today? Wondering if it's a time specific item.
In my experience, having worked with multiple indigenous communities on various projects, there is often significant differences between FN perspectives on most projects. Not to say they cannot be overcome and we usually find a pathway forward that most can agree upon.
They could build the gondola station inside or on top of the power plant eliminating any worries about disturbing the bodies.
I feel that enough commemoration (plaques, ceremonial grounds etc.) has been given to the burial ground to consider the debate resolved.
We shouldn't be worrying about unknown bodies lying all over the place otherwise we will be freaking out about everyone that died since the ice age.
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Not through the EPCOR site. Maybe East of it through skunk hollow and then beside the old ice plant that Dub owns and up to the convention centre.
The folks who live in Skunk hollow would be big fans of that I'm sure! 😅

That route would also go through alot more parkland... 🤷🏼‍♀️
Anyone know what time discussion happens today? Wondering if it's a time specific item.
Not time specific, they had 2 time specific in camera meetings though. The 2nd one is now (1:30pm). Then they are back to talking about the Chinatown community policing project so I don't expect it now until after the afternoon break. 3:30-4ish.
