
Staff member
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Sep 22, 2015
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Rezoning RA7 to RA9
A maximum height of 60.0 m (approximately 20 storeys);
A maximum floor area ratio of 4.3; and
Up to 1045 residential dwellings

Looks like intent is to build four towers:


Going to Council Aug 18:
(Item 3.14)
This would be a really interesting site for 4 towers at 60m. Even though they're short, being on top of the hill would allow them to have fantastic views all around.
I think the old building to be demolished is kinda unique with the two-level apartments and townhouse-style entrances for the ground suites. It's old and decrepit now, but I'll miss it.

That said, I took these photos tonight, building still looks highly occupied. Figure the property management group would have to allow all the tenants to complete their leases, so this one seems far off/never gonna happen (imo).

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These buildings were just sold to "Avenue Living" and new leases were given to the residences.
oof. if avenue bought them, this site is about to do a whole lot of nothing. I rent from them; they aren't slumlords or anything, decent to deal with actually, but they don't do anything with their properties. Other than any maintenance or renewal work needed to keep tenants in them, these buildings are just going to sit. they own a slew of buildings in my area, and they follow a pattern of being bought, some maintenance, a permanent vacancy sign installed, and then when the building envelope starts showing problems (these are all 1960's era woodframe low-rises with brick and stucco exteriors) they swap the stucco for siding and paint the poor thing grey. Not a lot of value-add or investment happening lol.
I would also take this as a sign that any project on the site is dead. Avenue does seem to hold on to properties long-term.
