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A brewery? Drinking establishments in locations you could only ever reasonably drive to always feels kinda' sketchy to me.
Disagree... people can utilize DDs, and as well it's perfectly fine to have one or two drinks before/during/after the game and be safe to drive. Not to mention there's 60,000 some people in the Spruce/Stony region there who could safely cab home.
A brewery? Drinking establishments in locations you could only ever reasonably drive to always feels kinda' sketchy to me.
I agree. I would never drive out there or take a bus. Too far, not central so not going to happen for me. I think the Prospects think this is an opportunity but I think it's a mistake. I don't know what attendance averages were at Remax Field the last year they played there - but it will be interesting to see how they do out in a small community like Spruce Grove.
My opinion is that it would probably do better than Remax….due to the fact that most people think that getting to Remax and parking is a pain in the arse. Additionally if this park was in Beaumont….I’d go a dozen or so times a year…..where I live, just due to the fact that I’d probably be able to walk there and back……same as Spruce. What a good 100,000 warm bodies within 15 min of it?
Not a big fan of the location. The loss of biodiversity in the area will be comparable to building this development in the Wagner area just west of Acheson.

This area was suited for boardwalks, not ball parks.
I agree. I would never drive out there or take a bus. Too far, not central so not going to happen for me. I think the Prospects think this is an opportunity but I think it's a mistake. I don't know what attendance averages were at Remax Field the last year they played there - but it will be interesting to see how they do out in a small community like Spruce Grove.
have you ever driven out to spruce grove? I can get to spruce grove from downtown or anywhere in the west end faster than I can get to most places in the south side. Uber ride from downtown to Spruce grove is $45
The stadium is now scheduled to open on May 27th, 2023.
Not a big fan of the location. The loss of biodiversity in the area will be comparable to building this development in the Wagner area just west of Acheson.

This area was suited for boardwalks, not ball parks.
I agree with this, looked at the location from the post from earlier today. There was a large natural area there. I hope in general, Spruce Grove doesn't bulldoze more of that natural environment but builds more around it. However the upside, its a good eye pleaser when you drive in from 16A which is probably the point anyway to attract people. Pros and cons.
have you ever driven out to spruce grove? I can get to spruce grove from downtown or anywhere in the west end faster than I can get to most places in the south side. Uber ride from downtown to Spruce grove is $45
$45 is still expensive for most people. South of the Henday to downtown is about the same and is a reason my friends that live down there never come up here for anything social.
I don’t even cross the river lol. When I first moved downtown I never went to whyte. Then I moved to whyte and I never came downtown. Now I’m downtown-ish and I never go to whyte except to pick up Y-not-India lol

This team will do fine at their new location. They never had the same draw as the trappers (or even the cracker cats). A new stadium might be the change they need. Pretty sure parents of baseball kids are used to driving all over the region. I really hope remax field can be repurposed though... not just bulldozed...
I agree with this, looked at the location from the post from earlier today. There was a large natural area there. I hope in general, Spruce Grove doesn't bulldoze more of that natural environment but builds more around it. However the upside, its a good eye pleaser when you drive in from 16A which is probably the point anyway to attract people. Pros and cons.

I assume (but could be mistaken), that if this specific site was a wetland or environmental reserve, the province would have claimed it so that development of any kind could not proceed.
