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B.4. Stables at Mayfair (Development Permit)
10008 109 Street NW
Jenny Korol - Manasc Isaac

MOVED: M. Figueira Motion of non-support.

The Committee feels the architectural language of the submission is disjointed and does not reflect the level of resolution or detailing expected of a formal submission to the Edmonton Design Committee.

While the Committee commends the Applicant for introducing a number of innovative program elements and design gestures, considerable architectural resolution and detailing is required to yield a more integrated, singular and refined design expression that responds to the varying context (street, alley and park). These program elements and design gestures include:
● Ground floor retail
● Parkade screening
● Glass stairwell
● Public art
● Use of colour
● Photovoltaic panels
● Rooftop residential units

FOR THE MOTION: R. Labonte, C. Craig, T. Antoniuk, D. Deshpande, M. Figueira, S. Kaznacheeva, A. Rowe, A. Zepp

Newest renders:


Via: http://procura.ca/property/stables-at-mayfair/

...I have no idea what they're doing anymore. This is just awful and keeps getting worse the more I study it. :(


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Yikes. It was better before. Much better.

Who let the intern take a stab?
They threw the good part out and decided to put lipstick on the pig. The City needs to quickly develop a policy that states no more above-grade parking structures. I get that Procura sees an advantage in building out parking in this particular area, but OMG, this is absolutely abhorrent. No wonder the Design Committee choked on this.
IMO the nicest parkade I have seen is the Calgary parking authority building. Would look much better than this crap we are seeing, why are architects so unwilling to do some retro designs?
Wow that is bad lol

I liked the idea of a flatiron building here, but both those parkades are atrocious.
So they still are planning to build the Bonnie and Flatiron tower?
