What do you think of this project?

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I wonder if the latest "Cascadia" @Avenuer posted a year ago is still current?
I hope we are all pleasantly surprised...
This project is now being called Cascadia (which was the original name from a decade or so ago) and the architect is now Gardner Architecture. Plan now is for two buildings at around 107 residential suites each with one level of underground parking.
From the vault.
Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 10.46.53 AM.png
I was also wondering about that odd name. Is there a reason for it, other than someone in marketing having too much coffee?

I suppose the car park which is part of the development is the modern day equivalent of a stables, so maybe that is it, but that seems a stretch.

Something that also irks me is a we are a modern day multicultural society - maybe they could come up with a better name than something that sounds like it comes from medieval England.
Victorian England
So... with all the news surrounding Dwayne's Home, this one is surely dead, right? Time Square is currently the only thing on the "upcoming projects" section of their website.
Possibly, if the Sedona actually gets off the ground somehow then there is hope, but if it doesn't, then it is DEAD.
Interesting. I think F & F Holdings own that Central Tire on 109, who a few weeks ago finally had the gas station tanks taken out of the ground. Might be one to keep an eye on.
I hate the thought of seeing The Common/9910/Dolly's bulldozed for redevelopment.
Usually we dont see bulldoze for redevelopment.

There is an intermediary step where it is bulldoze, sit vacant for an unnecessary amount of time, then maybe redevelopment. I would hate to see that happen even more and hope this is not the case.
