What do you think of this project?

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@Daveography Not to drag out this digression more than it already has been but I think the finish on the building whose photo you posted is closer to the pebbled exterior on this building on 107 St. than the smooth exterior of the courthouse. The former I feel definitely takes the 'petina' better than the latter, likely due to the already natural appearance of the pebbles.
2020-10-17 019.JPG
"While there are elements here that I like, there are some that fail. One of the largest urban failures we have with Rice Howard Way, Judy Padua Way and Shoctor Alley is the lack of any east/west connection between Canada Place and 101st Street. Not only are there misalignments along 101A Avenue and a lack of through traffic in either direction, there is no visual connection either. One of the largest obstructions to that visual connection has been the Molson Amphitheatre and this plan perpetuates that with the fenced in daycare area. That area should be as low and as transparent as possible (i.e. glass rather than solid railings at the edges) to minimize that as much as possible. It should be maintained along Judy Padua Way as well as at the ends so you also have sight-lines from the sidewalk on the south side clear across this plaza to the library. This would make that streetscape sidewalk - which has no transparent urban edges to the Westin - a safer, more open and inviting stretch. I would then move the day care space adjacent to the library where the building would provide shelter from the prevailing north west wind and well as some shelter from the weather underneath the overhang. The locations of the other elements could simply be adjusted to suit. Losing the entrance to the Westin Parking from Rue Hull will be a loss if the ramp at that corner of the plaza can't be integrated without closing it. Tree species haven't been shown but the ones on the south side of Judy Padua Way will be problematic given the lack of sunshine they will get. I hope (a) the tree wells will be generous enough to help compensate for that and (b) that the trees are large enough when first installed to have a good chance for survival (the typical vertical twigs that have been planted in recent years won't have a hope or a prayer)."
OMG -- another City planters and benches, planters and benches, planters and benches, planters and benches -- I think that Edmonton is going to be able to sit and have their brown-bag lunch at so many different downtown locations that we're going to have to ask Calgary and other Alberta Cities to please come and help with occupancy of these so-called pocket parks. While the eye-candy aspect is one thing, the practicality of these "meeting-room" solutions is so far off base. This effort should be stopped in its tracks -- what a waste of money, waste of space, waste of energy. Edmontonians should be up in arms over this travesty!
I was going to make the effort to send my thoughts via the City form but out of the 30 plus times I have done that in the past... nothing. They don't read these comments -- they have already passed the Design phase and are heading towards implementation. Here is an excellent one for all to watch -- my 20 bucks is on nothing from this plan is going to change. The City needs new leadership!
One would think, but it seems to have morphed into a space for everyone. I really had high hopes of an amazing private and public kids play area.
so was it always "intended to add greenery, play, required daycare space and a new social space for folks visiting the area" or was it intended to be "a super playground that morphed into a space for everyone" instead of "an amazing private and public kids play area"?

questionable platitudes aside, whatever it was or is intended to be, it is pretty much set up to share the same failure that 103 avenue between 100th and 101st street is fated for - it will end up being a space for nobody too much of the time. it will be a more central, hard surfaced mary burlie park.
