What do you think of this project?

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There’s actually a decent amount of new units coming to the downtown area over the next couple of years:
The Parks phase 1: 366
Stationlands: 285
Falcon tower: 240
Peak tower residential conversion: 274
That’s 1165 right there not including the second phase of the parks, stationlands and falcon tower, which are all going to be bigger than phase 1 😍
So bottom line we might be looking at around 2500 units added in the next 4-5 years... Not counting any other potential projects. Not too shabby...
Hopefully we can add some other major projects and bring that count up.
Does anyone know the average number of people added per unit?
A few oldies for reference.
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Not a shot at you, 'O... just referencing at how things change with time. The original concept had a lot of merit.
thanks! it’s quite gratifying to look back at the various iterations on a theme that have been constantly developed and refined over the past 25 years as markets have changed and various potential users identified. anticipating the need for that flexibility 25 years ago was one of the reasons we insisted on outright and not direct control/contract zoning.

for what it’s worth, some of my personal “favourite options” still aren’t public but i’m still hopeful that some of them might move forward in one form or another.
In the last photo of the above sequence you can see the columnar outline of the second 25 storey tower. Without second-guessing the sequence it looks as though Qualico is going to move right into construction of that building without pause. The columns show no sign of being "capped" and a construction crane is already in place to service that facility. The connecting portion to Phase Two development to the east is also progressing well. The outdoor pedestrian mall between new construction and the existing office buildings promises to be an exciting addition to downtown and with the pedway network connecting RAM, City Hall, AGA, Milner Library, Winspear and Citadel Theatre, the thrivelihood* (coin) of Edmonton's core is going to get a significant boost. My hope is that a great deal of effort is put into reviving this underground maze into something worthy of visitationing* (coin) in its own right (lessons from NYC's experimental "Lowline" project -- http://thelowline.org/) -- perhaps with an underground extension of AGA (monitored and secure, of course) and of RAM -- the potential is exemplaristicalexceptional* (coin). It could well complement Sir Winston Churchill Square finding surfacing portals to that important park that could be expanded by closing several surrounding streets (allowing for emergency vehicular access).
What streets could be closed, you ask?
First and foremost: 99th Street between 102nd Avenue and 103a Avenue. This is the intersecting street between City Hall and the Art Gallery of Alberta. Imagine if this street were turned into a pedestrian mall that was festooned with permanent outdoor sculptures curated by the AGA impresarios and added to on an annual art festival day. It would "gladden" the approach to Edmonton City Hall, the Royal Alberta Museum and the Winspear Centre. It would put a smile on the courthouse building.
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The second vehicle thoroughfare that I would close would be 102nd Avenue in front of the Library (almost closed to all but transit already). This is Edmonton's premier transit hub and it deserves full recognition as such. The Library also deserves some post-update remedial action as well and that ties into the third street that I would close -- 99th street between 102nd Avenue and Judy Padua Way/Shoctor Alley to the south. This stretch I would feature as an urban "Trees-for-Life" park with all manner of specimens native to Alberta (including recent more modern cultivars), focused around an Indigenous Sculptural Art assemblage (totems, statuary, iconography, and cultural symbols) and that bleeds onto the eastern half of the Library roof where plant pods enhance the visage of that structure in a very positive way, covered in vines, evergreen shrubs, and small-form trees.
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The biggest issue I see with closing most of 99 Street is that it's used for parkade access for many buildings along that street (including City Hall, the library). If we can accommodate this and still close the street, then I'm all for it
Let's look at these, one at a time...
The City Hall parkade entrance is already served by a medianed-off* (coin) mini street to the west of 99th street proper. Maintain that -- and in fact improve upon it by beginning the downward slope to the parkade earlier along the 99th street portion -- we could then cap that with a roof that aligns with the northern building edge of the City Hall building structure. By defining that edge, then, more dramatically we could use that as a boundary for themed sculptures that relate to both the automobile and to civic governance -- a challenge to sculptors in a worldwide competition.
The parkade entrance to the Library we treat in similar fashion, except that the entrance to the underground masstimonium* (coin) would be attained from a depressed entryway directly east of the Westin Hotel on an again cloistered section of 99th street, allowing for no auto interference of the protected land between the Library and the Citadel Theatre. The autofreed* (coin) land so created could be intensively landscaped with trees, trees and more trees... trees that encroach upon the plaza space behind the library (currently under renovation), trees that adorn the eastern flat area of the library roof in accompaniment with a plantscape melange that climbs the newly-formed sloped section of the library roof, giving that edifice an entirely new look that coheselinks* (coin) with the new "trees-for-life" display at street level. The Citadel could be encouraged to use this new plaza for outdoor dining and drinkfoolery* (coin).
In all, Edmonton would truly have a heart.
