C.2. The Heights (Rezoning)
Nola Kilmartin - Kennedy
MOVED: D. Deshpande
Motion of non-support.
The Committee notes the following:
● A fundamental redesign is required to address the excessive massing of the
building. The transition between street level podium, lower tower and upper tower
requires reconsideration- it is recommended that the lower tower be reduced in
height and articulated as a separate mass. Furthermore, additional articulation is
needed to reduce the tower massing.
● More differentiation is required between this tower and the proposed tower at 113
● Ensure the required CPTED analysis and recommendations are incorporated into
the design of the north facade and the adjacent setback.
● The amount, location, and design of rooftop amenities has not been provided.
● The regulation lacks references to best practice in intensive and extensive green
roof development.
● There is insufficient information in the regulation with respect to the preservation
of existing boulevard trees as part of the neighbourhood context.
● The regulation and appendices are inconsistent.
SECONDED: M. Figueira
FOR THE MOTION: T. Antoniuk, D. Brown, D. Deshpande, M. Figueira, C. Holmes, S.
Kaznacheeva, J. Mills, B. Nolan, A. Zepp.