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HOLY SH*T! What an awesome and interesting looking building with what I'm sure are cool suites! Can't wait to what else Beljan can pull off at this point.
I really like the creativity of the design. We just don't see enough of that in Edmonton. Was looking at the London (England) skyline recently and every single one of their high rise towers is creative. Like they're all trying to outdo each other. Of course that's easier to do if you can charge higher rents in one of the most expensive cities in the world, but regardless, I wish we saw more creativity in our buildings here. That's why I like this one.
Confirmed EDC formal on March 17:

B.4. 18:45 The Hive (Rezoning)
Chris Dulaba - Beljan

Looks like EDC is going ahead with virtual meetings, and this formal is moved to tomorrow, April 1:

Members of the public can join by contacting edmontondesigncommittee@edmonton.ca or 780-508-9503.
The Hive (Rezoning)
Chris Dulaba - Beljan
MOTION: D. Deshpande
Motion of Non Support
While the Committee sees merit in the architecture of the project, and in particular, the design of the tower, the package that was provided to the Committee lacked key information and design refinement vis a vis the urban realm. Additional information was subsequently provided at the presentation, and this information would have greatly assisted the Committee in evaluating the design proposal. Similarly, the Applicant has indicated the proposed DC regulation provided in the package is still being revised in consultation with City Administration, making it difficult for the Committee to consider a design proposal still in the process of being developed.
  • Further information and refinement is needed with regard to the ground floor level and the public realm interface. All four facades of the building need to respond to and contribute to the adjacent urban context. To this end, proposed surface parking on the west side of the building should be reconsidered.
  • The proposed commercial may not align with the 109 Street Area Redevelopment Plan, and as a result, the Applicant should provide justification that it can succeed in this location. In addition, the Committee questions the decision to locate this commercial space on the second floor, minimizing the opportunity for ground-floor animation.
  • The proposed public plaza at the north end of the building lacks sun access and shelter (ie. from wind). The Applicant is encouraged to consider alternative locations and / or orientations of this plaza to improve environmental comfort and at the same time provide more direct building access (ie. from the south). Alternatively, the Applicant is encouraged to consider different planning and design approaches, such as a winter garden, to maximize the use and functionality of this space.
In addition, the Committee feels that this project could have benefited from an Informal Pre-consultation.
SECONDED: M. Figueira
FOR THE MOTION: W. Sims, J. Mills, C. Holmes, M. Figueira, A. Zepp, T. Antoniuk,
S. Kaznacheeva, D. Brown, B. Nolan, A. Benoit, D. Deshpande
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C.1. The Hive (Rezoning)
Chris Dulaba - Beljan

Motion of Support

The Committee supports the project and encourages the applicant to continue to
work with the City on the integration of the project with the upcoming alley
revitalization. In addition, the Committee encourages the applicant to continue to
explore ways to support active transportation, such as the preparation of a
Transportation Demand Strategy.


