I think everyone should hold off on deciding how things are going to look before they are finished. Look at Manchester Square and the Sync111 apartments; everyone was saying how ugly they were in construction and then "oh, doesn't look as bad as I thought" once actually finished. We will see.
Manchester Square is exactly as ugly as I expected - but your point is well taken 😉
I think the final touches will make a big difference. Ground floor retail and glass is also a massive difference vs 121.

I’d argue this will show what’s possible with stucco. It’s obviously not trying to be hat 122. But the courtyard and edges will set it apart.
May be an unpopular opinion, but to me this is looking like a pretty disappointing stucco box. In hindsight, it should have been fairly obvious from the renders.
There is nothing wrong with stucco when everything is done right like equal height for windows unlike Langham's. If this was stucco, so far it is done right.
Stucco can be applied in a more enjoyable way aesthetically, but generally speaking has led been the culprit of most envelope failures because of the exposure to risk from poor workmanship and application/installation.

No thanks.
Stucco can be applied in a more enjoyable way aesthetically, but generally speaking has led been the culprit of most envelope failures because of the exposure to risk from poor workmanship and application/installation.

No thanks.
It's a rental here. No condo special assessments
That's not the point; someone one has to pay for it.

Without knowing the wall assembly/envelope detail it is hard to comment, but dozens of multi-fam/high-rise have had complete envelope replacements or are facing them, with TESSCO buildings being the worst of the worst over the last 10-20 years.
