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Photos: BASE jumping off Edmonton's Pearl Tower
BASE jumpers Peter Kozak and Kelsey Fry jumped off the 32-storey Pearl Tower in Edmonton on Saturday December 3, 2016. The legal jump was a stunt to promote the 2017 Great Canadian Fitfest, coming to Edmonton in February. Photos by Larry Wong.



VIDEO | BASE jumpers legally leap off 35-storey building
It was a beautiful day to jump off a building.

That's what BASE jumper Kelsey Fry had to say, shortly after launching herself off the top of the 35-storey Pearl Tower.

Fry and fellow BASE jumper Peter Kozak and hurled themselves off the residential tower in Oliver to kick off an upcoming fitness convention.

After a slight delay due to wind, it took Kozak, a professional BASE jumper with more than 4,000 jumps under his belt, about 34 seconds to parachute down to the ground below.

"It was fantastic," Kozak said. "To do a safe base jump from a building you need to make sure the conditions are optimal for it. We just kind of waited on the winds for a bit, and then we had an opportunity to go.

