EDC minutes from March 21:
B.1. Oliver – Grandin Tower Rezoning
Stantec - Om Joshi
9918 & 9922 - 111 Street NW
Sites legally described as:
Lots 62 and 63, Block 11, Plan NB
P. Spearey read the comments of the Development Planner.
MOVED: M. Figueira
MOTION OF: Support with conditions (administrative walk-on):
● Create defensible space and grade separation for the townhouses
● Consider additional landscaping on the north side
● Provide a more appropriate residential articulation of townhouse facades
● Provide clarity of setbacks and confirm that drawing appendices adhere to the setbacks outlined in the text
● Provide more appropriate urban landscaped space along the 111th Street frontage, consider hardscaping as opposed to artificial turf
● Identify potential off-site improvements as a part of density bonusing in DC zoning
● Consider the scale of the entrance lobby in relation to the townhouse volumes and adjacent neighbor to the south to strengthen the podium presence/scale as a uniform two story element
● Maintain transparency of balconies in order to reduce apparent massing of the overall structure
FOR THE MOTION: C. Craig, D. Deshpande, M. Figueira, S. Kaznacheeva, A. Rowe, W. Sims