What do you think of this project?

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From today:
Some pictures from today. Construction on the addition's really picked up from the last time I went by and glazing's being applied on the north side. The photo I took isn't that great (sorry, I was in a bit of a rush), but it's very HSBC Place reclad-like in person. Not much work's been done on the heritage portion of the building as far as I could tell, but I does look like the copula's been repainted.



I look at the renders for this again and wow, this is going to be really cool for the university area as a whole! The way it fits in with the historic pharmacy building is just... wow...
This project is awesome, hope the UofA treats their brutalist buildings with the same care and respect when they need to be upgraded.
Agree 100%. Sadly I've heard that the humanities building is one of those that they are considering giving up on due to budget constraints. I think it would be a shame to lose a building like that, despite it's odd (and somewhat dick-shaped) layout
This project is awesome, hope the UofA treats their brutalist buildings with the same care and respect when they need to be upgraded.
That's the whole conundrum, right? The way a lot people now see the solid and brutalist buildings of the latter 20th century is like how people in the latter 20th century saw early 1900's buildings. We now treasure these 1900's buildings dearly because so many were destroyed by those who didn't value them, and I think the cycle is at risk of repeating itself if we aren't careful. I'm not saying that absolutely everything has to be saved, but let's make the difference now to save what we can save for later generations to enjoy. Let's break the cycle!
Is there any reason why it's so hard to find any more clear renderings of this project? And dead links everywhere. It boggles my mind especially how bad the U of A is for link rot.
Agree 100%. Sadly I've heard that the humanities building is one of those that they are considering giving up on due to budget constraints. I think it would be a shame to lose a building like that, despite it's odd (and somewhat dick-shaped) layout
I certainly hope that isn't the case. Humanities is probably my favourite brutalist building in Edmonton. It's an overall very unique space.
I just wish the Uof A could do proper upgrades in some buildings to accomodate for modern technology. Oh and get rid of the lecture theater seats with the fold down writing table top that can't even fit a standard piece of paper.
Pshh.... writing an exam on those like 5"x8" fold down writing tops is a right of passage at the U of A. Loved having to write a midterm on those with a question booklet, long answer booklet, scantron, calculator, and pen while the thermostat is set to 27 C. Oh, and I am pretty sure they were designed for people who were 5'6", not 6'4". If I am ever diagnosed with scoliosis, that's what I'm blaming as the root cause.
Lugged my DSLR around today to get some better shots of the new glass and the walkway/atrium-thing also under-construction on the east side. I didn't notice them last time, but decorative glass panels are also being put up:

View attachment 295448

Those look amazing already.
